44 - Forever

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I spent the whole day at my parents' house, we had so much to talk about, so much time to catch up, they were in love with their grandson and took turns to hold him without leaving him for a moment, they were the sweetest grandparents.

I called Can at some point, he didn't answer the first call, the second he apologized saying he was very busy and dismissed me quite quickly. I was a little disconcerted but I could see that he was at work and the day must have been very hectic.

I was almost ready to go home when Layla arrived, she started chatting non-stop, playing with little Nihat and at one point she even took him out for a short walk because she wanted to introduce him to her old friend from the Afet neighborhood. When I finally made my way home, it was very late, and my mother had asked me the courtesy of running an errand for her in the city center, so it was even later.

I arrived and found Denise waiting for me in front of the gate, she had come to see me and was leaving, I was sorry and invited her to come back with me.

At a certain point Denise stopped me, pulled out a handkerchief from her pocket and smiling she told me
- I have to blindfold you dear Sanem, there is a surprise waiting for you, orders from the boss -

I was puzzled for a moment but I could not help smiling at the thought that Can must have invented something else nice to surprise me again, it was adorable!

Denise started pushing the stroller and let me rest a hand on her arm to guide me, after a few hundred meters we stopped, she asked me - Ready? - I nodded smiling and.....

I couldn't believe my eyes.

In the garden of my cottage large gazebos had been set up, white sheets fluttered in the breeze coming from the sea, there were tables everywhere set with crystals, candles and flowers, hundreds of lanterns on the ground and hanging from the trees...

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In the garden of my cottage large gazebos had been set up, white sheets fluttered in the breeze coming from the sea, there were tables everywhere set with crystals, candles and flowers, hundreds of lanterns on the ground and hanging from the trees while a multitude of bright wires ran through the branches creating a dream scenario and then .... then there was him, there was the man of my life, in a perfect tuxedo, waiting for me in front of the richly decorated table under the main gazebo.

I was speechless.

He came towards me smiling, took my hands and with a look full of love said.
- How long did you think I could wait to finally make you Mrs. Divit? This time there will be no procrastination or hesitation, I will never risk losing you again.
Go inside and get ready, I am eagerly awaiting you, I can't wait for you to be my wife *.

He gave me a sweet kiss on the forehead and pushed me towards the porch where Layla, Denise, Mihriban, Deren, my mother and...Ayhan were waiting for me?

Wasn't it possible Ayhan? I ran to her to hug her tightly, it had been more than two years since we had seen each other, I was so happy I could not stop the tears of joy for her presence and for everything that was happening.

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