46 - Toward our second life

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Husband and wife.
Opening my eyes to the rising sunlight of the day after our wedding, the first thought that reached my mind was this: we were finally husband and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Divit.
I still couldn't believe it was true, there we were snuggled up to each other in our bedroom, in our home ready to begin our lives together.

I looked at my sleeping Sanem in my arms with a deep sense of joy mixed with disbelief, I still couldn't believe that this exceptional woman could forgive me for all the mistakes I had made for which I was struggling to forgive myself.
I stroked her hair slowly, looking at her as one would look at the most precious treasure, a work of art of inestimable value, she was everything to me and still my heart missed a beat every time I thought about the fact that I was one step away from losing her permanently.


I woke up from the most beautiful dream I had ever had, I stretched lazily realizing slowly that I had my head resting on a muscular chest and being wrapped in two strong arms that held me tight as if It was worth  his life.
I realized that it had not been a dream, slowly opening my eyes I was faced with a reality more beautiful than any dream.
The face of my man, my husband, my albatross, my love was in front of me looking at me with wonderfully loving eyes.
What was this if not heaven?
I smiled happily as never before and rested my hand on his cheek.

- Günaydın kocacığım, good morning my husband.

He in turn put his hand on my cheek and smiling he replied:

- Günaydın karım, good morning my wife -

We looked into each other's eyes intensely, it was the first day of our second life, the first day of our life together, the future was waiting for us: a new life, a new house and us together with our child, our family.

We spent the entire morning in bed, laughing like two teenagers in love, rediscovering each other, freely giving ourselves to each other in the certainty that we finally had our forever.
We were as happy as we had ever been at the beginning of our story, we had bared our hearts and now we could finally love each other openly every moment of the day until the end of our days.

Can had thought of everything, he left a few minutes to return with a tray full of a rich breakfast that we consumed cross-legged on the bed, feeding each other between a kiss and a caress touched.

We began to get ready to leave reluctantly but strong in the knowledge that this was only the beginning, that this was for us the first day of a multitude of days of love. We were eager to begin our new life by returning home to so much of both our hearts, we couldn't wait to hug our baby again.

We set sail for the cottage full of joy, hope and love, everything felt new and different now that we were together facing life.
I appreciated the boat trip very much, that boat that I had hated because it had taken away my soul, after the romantic trip of the previous evening was beginning to represent for me a space out of time where I could share with my albatross his love for freedom.

We had decided to continue living in my cottage while we finished setting up and furnishing our new home, Can had only prepared our room for our wedding night, he wanted us to choose all the rest of the furnishings together, it was our home and he wanted me to feel it was mine.


I was so happy, we were sailing happily into our future, back to our son to begin our life together as a family, as I maneuvered the rudder I held my wife in my arms and looked forward to the years ahead with renewed confidence.
As we docked at Yusuf's dock, we found him waiting for us under the porch with a happy smile, he had immediately been our most convinced supporter, our guardian angel.
If it hadn't been for him, who knows if I would have ever found the courage to approach that coast and Sanem, I could have lost forever the only woman in my life because of my stupidity.

We reached the cottage at lunchtime, there seemed to be no one there but we heard voices coming from the back garden, we turned the corner to find my father and Mihriban lying on the blanket under the willow tree laughing and cuddling little Nihat. They were a joy to behold, they were happy and it was obvious, by the looks of things for old Aziz things were definitely looking up.

The table under the big acacia tree was set for us with every good thing, they saw us coming and stood up slightly embarrassed but clearly happy for us, for our marriage.

Here were two more guardian angels who had watched over our suffering and were now rejoicing with us in our happiness.

They greeted us to leave us alone to enjoy our first family meal, together at last, us at last.

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