25 - Doubts and truths

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I left early in the morning to go to the agency, my father was back and we were going to meet Emre there.
I was extremely happy to see him again, I had missed him so much in these almost two years of absence. It hurt me to think that he had gone all alone to the other side of the world to take care of himself, sometimes you should have your family around you, but we knew very little about family.

Emre had delivered my off-road vehicle, and I felt like I was going back in time, taking small steps to slowly return to being the master of my life.

It was nice to see the typical frenzy of the streets of Istanbul again and it was certainly exciting to cross the threshold of the Fikri harika, where it all began.

The first one to spot me was Cey Cey, he started jumping and gesticulating in that anxious way of his, shouting - Can bay, Can bay, Can bay, Mr. Can! - at that call, the whole agency stopped to come and see what was going on and Deren's coppery helmet popped out of the door of his office.
- Caaaan????- he ran up to me and kissed me on the cheek warmly, holding me tightly he sighed deeply and whispered - Tekrar hoşgeldiniz, welcome back - smiling I greeted everyone raising my arms to the sky.

I reached the main office and it was a blow to my heart to see that room again, which had been a witness for us of so many skirmishes, jealousies, quarrels, reconciliations, caresses and stolen kisses trying to hide where the rest of the office could not see us.

Sitting at his desk, as if he had never left it, was babacim, my father. As soon as he saw me coming, he stood up to meet me and we embraced each other in an embrace that needed no words: all the homesickness  we had felt for each other was there.
For so long it had been just us: me for him and him for me, the look we exchanged was worth a thousand words, there would be time for explanations.

Emre joined us from his office smiling, happy to see us both again, it was good to be here with them again.
He gave us an update on the agency's business and we agreed that I would only be working with the agency again as a photographer, not full time, as I was definitely busy with something else at the moment, like winning back the love of my life.

Before returning I went shopping.


From the porch I had seen him drive away in his jeep, how many emotions were tied to that car, it had been the silent witness of so much of our love.
Once I had given little Nihat to Denise, I set to work, first I answered to my admirers on the blog that the agency had created for my book, then I started to write for my second book.
I was well on my way, I would soon give good news to my publisher.
At lunchtime I moved to work with my laptop at the table I had been able to set up in the shade of a beautiful acacia tree now that Can had cleaned up the whole area.

Can, I stopped and thought about him, who knows where he had been all morning? On that very thought two hands gripped my shoulders followed by a bearded kiss on my cheek.
- Günaydın Sevgilim , good morning dear - I jumped and hurried to close the pc screen, I was struck by a strange smell, I turned questioningly towards him recognizing an intense woman's scent.
The impression was confirmed by a beautiful imprint of red lips printed on his cheek, my heart took a dive, so it was, it was starting again with the carousel of women around him.

I stiffened and went back to open the pc screen and answered dryly - Günaydın-.
Not at all discouraged I saw him sitting on the chair in front of mine and making himself comfortable watching me. I was definitely not in the mood for chatting, and just then the name of my editor, Ali, appeared on the display of my phone.
- I'm sorry - I hurried to answer, moving away towards the pier.
- I was going to call you! -
I saw him get up and leave.

I updated Ali on the progress of the work and we agreed to meet in the city the following Wednesday.
When the call was over, I stood on the pier looking at the sea and calming my troubled state of mind, what did I expect? Ah Sanem, ah. What did you think? That he was going to stay here forever and be a fisherman in his spare time? Get ready to see his beautiful bottom leave again my dear.

I felt his presence before I heard the sound of his footsteps on the planking of the pier, I stiffened as I continued to watch the sea.

- Sanem if there is someone in your life him can't be blamed, who wouldn't want a wonderful woman like you next to them?

I'm the first one to wish for it and I won't give up until I see someone else's ring on that finger, you can be sure of that!

And with that she turned on her heel and disappeared probably towards the boat.

His words had made an impression, I certainly hadn't expected them.
Did she really think I would ever make room in my heart for someone else?


I had said what needed to be said, I had promised myself to always tell the truth about my feelings, no more skirmishes, no more doubts, she had to understand that for me there was only her, no one else would ever exist.

With my head lost in these thoughts I went back to the off-roader and unloaded all the purchases I had made, I brought them to the foot of Sanem's porch and began to get busy unwrapping and assembling them....

I saw her come back when the swing was almost finished, she looked at me questioningly

- Ne yapıyorsun, what are you doing? - I finished unwrapping the pretty, colorful cushions.

- See, it's a rocking chair -

- I didn't ask for a rocker-

- It's not just for you, it's also for Nihat .... and me of course, I like the idea of holding him as we sway together on the rocker -

- What about those boxes? -

- One is a hammock for mom while the other is a small swing for the son-.

Sanem was speechless, but what sweet thoughts had he had?

I saw her collect herself and resume her stubborn frown.
- You've had time to shop today, it must have been a busy morning - Sanem said.
She came closer and ran a finger over my cheek showing me the traces of lipstick she had found there.

I nodded sighing, that's why she was so stiff, I couldn't resist, I took her in my arms smiling and whispered in her ear
- I'm sure if I had told Deren that I would see you, she would have sent a kiss for you too, you can be sure of that.

She moved her head away to look at me carefully - Deren? Have you been to the agency? Are you going back to work there?

I nodded - Yes, but not full time, I have a child to raise and get to know and I have to work hard to win back his mother, the love of my life.

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