26 - Hope and fear

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Our days resumed a reassuring routine, I returned to the agency a couple of times and took advantage of the fact that I was in town to meet Metin and Akif for lunch. I had missed them a lot too.

They were happy to see me again but also obviously curious to know what had happened. I tried to explain to them how my damned pride had made me take the insane decision to leave and how I had regretted it every single moment of that damned year.

I was bursting, I had to tell someone, I caught them both in the middle of a bite.

- I'm a father, I have a son-

I saw them both coughing laboriously for air, the bomb I had dropped had almost made them choke on their food. They hugged me warmly smiling, they couldn't believe it.

They didn't ask, that was typical of them, they were there to listen if I wanted but never could be intrusive.

- I don't want you to think I went crazy after I left. Sanem is the mother of my son. She was pregnant when I left and I didn't know about it until a few days ago.

They were both stunned by the news. I explained to them the incredible way I had bumped into Sanem upon returning to Istanbul and how, quite unexpectedly, I had found out I had a son.

Metin said - I had no idea that Sanem had had a child.

- How? Why did you see her in these months?

He cleared his throat - Yes, actually I am her lawyer, I am representing her for some work matters. Now that I think about it, I saw her in person a long time ago, then we only had phone contacts or e-mail exchange. Now I understand why -

Can lowered her head and said that Sanem had cut all ties with everyone, even with her sister and her parents, to avoid her pregnancy being discovered. How much I had hurt her.

Akif put a hand on my shoulder - You didn't know she was in that condition otherwise you would have never left her, I'm sure abi -

I sighed and told them about my plans to reorganize my life again, plans that included a close courtship with the woman I loved with all my heart, I had to break down all her barriers and bring her back into my arms. I wanted my life and my family back.

I was optimistic, determined I had to win her back at all costs.

As we were leaving the restaurant, out of the corner of my eye I saw a familiar face in the next room, my heart leapt into my throat, it was Sanem sitting at the table with a man, it must have been the mysterious Ali.

I got out unnoticed, climbed into the car and stopped for a moment before starting the engine, resting my forehead on the steering wheel. So there was a man buzzing around her, who knows how long, could it be too late? No, I wasn't to have those thoughts, until she let him into her life for me there was hope. I couldn't lose her, I would do anything to win her back.

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