Volcano Effect (1.1)

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Summary: Why Sci isn't the Royal Scientist.

Long fluorescent lights hung overhead, strengthening the already blinding white of the room's pristine tile floor and walls

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Long fluorescent lights hung overhead, strengthening the already blinding white of the room's pristine tile floor and walls. Metallic cabinets, tables, and other furnishings/devices added to the overall glare encompassing the room. Numerous lab coat-wearing monsters bustled about while setting up all sorts of gadgets and inventions on the three tables in the middle of the broad space. Amidst the organized chaos stood a commanding figure: King Asgore, a goat monster taller than the average doorway and more power than any resident in the Underground. (As far as people knew.) The Boss Monster took the long, no doubt sweat-inducing journey to Hotland's laboratories for one reason. To judge the craftsmanship, creativity, and usefulness of the inventions laid out before him and appoint the scientist who made the best one to Head Royal Scientist. A position that went beyond being a mere name and signaled a high-ranking status only reserved for the best minds the Underground had to offer.

Anyone bearing the title could run the labs in Hotland however they pleased and begin any projects/experiments they saw fit. With minor restrictions set by Asgore/Toriel, of course. However, neither of the royals interfered much more than that due to their lack of expertise in the area; So long as no projects seemed dangerous, they generally approved them.

Sci (or Sans, according to everyone in his AU) patiently waited alongside his invention, a self-sustained mini-tornado. It was tiers below what the skeleton would usually create - the bare minimum of science he could perform without putting wires in a potato - but there were reasons for that. He didn't want anyone to grow suspicious or give him and his little brother any unwanted attention; Using advanced teachings learned from alternate universes and timelines would do just that. So a more classic approach needed to be taken. Hence, the mini-tornado. Unlike Classic's trash-laden whirlwind, this one held not a single empty ketchup wrapper or dirty sock and restricted itself to a small platform attached to a rotating fan that powered a light blub. The light it emitted joined brightness surrounding the room, but its yellow-ish hue differentiated it enough to be noticeable.

The wind-harnessing device was a marvel of ingenuity in Sci's opinion. Still, it would be a lie if he said he wasn't the slightest bit worried about his competitors. Though his project may be safe and functional, a good handful of monsters throughout the labs entered the competition alongside him, each hoping to be the next Head Royal Scientist.

It had been his oldest dream to receive the coveted title. Though, Sci no longer sought the position for his original reason, which became an unattainable desire the moment he made Ink a promise. (A stupid promise he regretted getting talked into, and perhaps another factor why his future-selves despised making promises.) He vowed to interfere with his AU's storyline as little as possible since the world was still young and impressionable. Annoying but understandable. Resets did not exist in his AU. Not yet, at least. Meaning if any irrefutable damage occurred, it might be impossible to undo it safely without unforeseen consequences. Consequences like a main character staying permanently "on vacation," location going missing, or script breaking/corrupting, and many other terrible things. Given the very dark and detailed futures awaiting him, discovering the effects caused by breaking his AU fell off the list of things he wanted to witness.

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