Two Positives Make A Negative

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Summary: Error gets reincarnated (as Palette) and is not happy about it in the slightest. And, Dream and Ink have marital problems.

The Multiverse: A seemingly amaranthine realm filled to the brim with numerous variations of alternate universes, where time itself fluctuates - running either faster or slower depending on location - and great dangers exist

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The Multiverse: A seemingly amaranthine realm filled to the brim with numerous variations of alternate universes, where time itself fluctuates - running either faster or slower depending on location - and great dangers exist. Nightmare, the enigmatic 404 and Infected, X-Gaster, Fatal_Error- These dark beings were the most notable villains of the Multiverse. Even if some (Fatal, 404, and Infected) never stepped into the spotlight and made themselves known. That, though, didn't mean the villains refrained from stirring up all kinds of trouble. They caused many a problem, from killing to destroying to spreading fear across the infinite realm. Why? The 'Good Sanses' started fighting back more grievously. Without mercy. These 'Warriors of the Stars' began killing off those who opposed righteousness. And their resolve had been proven.

Among the list of deplorable monsters, one was missing- crossed out and removed from the equation. This scoundrel was no ordinary villain; He was the worst of the worst, a psychopath none wished to meet or earn the ire of. The monster- Legends say he dwelled in an illimitable plane of vast whiteness, which caused all those who enter to become as insane as him. Or be eternally trapped in blue spider-like strings. Others spoke of his frightening form: A skeletal figure with pitch-black bones, only highlighted by the occasional shade of red and yellow, and a cloak of flickering symbols. And, his voice- It was something of the darkest, most dreadful nightmares. It glitched and shifted like a crashing PC's demonic howl. This monster was known as Error, The Destroyer of Worlds. 

And- H E  W A S   D E A D . 

The everlasting sunset of the Doodlesphere stretched far beyond the island's boundaries. Its' various orange, yellow, pink, and purple hues colored the limitless sky. Some shades reflected onto the numerous floating pages filling the air; Thus, creating a beautiful mix of colors on the white sheets. Soft, wispy clouds crept along the expanse. Most were white- soaking in the peaceful colors around them. Though, a rare chartreuse or cerise cloud did appear every once and a while. The scenery was magnificent. Unparalleled by anything in the Multiverse. Dream, however, thought it would be even better with his lover by his side.

Ink, the protector of AUs, his husband, hardly returned home nowadays. He was always busy- with this and that, or et cetera. The members of the Star Council demanded his attention for the smallest of issues. Chara stole Classic's slippers? Call Ink. Toilet clogged in Plumbertale? Better summon Ink, because, for whatever inane reason, he could fix a toilet better than a plumber. It's the worst joke ever. How many plumbers did it take to fix a toilet? None- because not even a whole AU of them was capable of doing it! That wasn't the worst of it, either. The Star Council - everyone aside from Swap Sanses, as they closed themselves off from the rest of the Multiverse once a majority of AUs chose to kill 'villains' - practically ordered Ink to hunt down major threats. Like his brother. Nightmare

Dream sighed, resting both hands on his swollen stomach. The place of which housed a little miracle of life. His son, Palette Roller. And... Ink's? Maybe. Honestly, he wasn't sure anymore. With his husband barely in his life, how could he expect him to make time to be a father to Palette? Especially when he didn't make time to be with his husband, Dream. 

When was the last time they went on a date or shared the same bed? Or hung out together, in general?

Too long ago, Dream thought. Cross seemed to be more prominent in his and the baby's life than Ink. The other did not count as a 'Bad Sans.' Not anymore. And certainly not to Dream. Throughout every trimester, the monochrome-garbed skeleton had supported him; Made him feel safe when the worst monsters were out to kill him while he was weak. Did every trivial task his lover should have done without complaint. Offered him a shoulder to cry on when days were tough. Made sure there was food in the house since Dream sparsely went out. Cross was a fantastic friend. A friend Dream didn't know he needed. Today, however, the knife-wielding warrior left on his journey to find a way to revive X-tale. Meaning the Guardian of Positivity was alone once more.

With a frown, the yellow-clad skeleton slowly waddled his way back to the empty island home. On the outside, it appeared to be no different than a generic Sans and Papyrus house; the interior was vastly larger and littered with clutter and useless items. Used papers, worn paintbrushes, a plethora of odd trinkets from other universes- Nearly anything and everything conceivable could be located somewhere in the building. Thankfully, Ink's absence allowed Dream to organize it all. 

He gently pushed open the unlocked door as a sudden wave of exhaustion washed over him. After closing and locking it, Dream instantly headed for the hideous abomination Ink called a 'couch.' Its' plaid and polkadot exterior was offensive to look at- But, right now, a certain sleepy skeleton could careless. He just wanted a nap. Slowly, he lowered himself onto the tacky furnishing and pulled the equally ghastly quilt off the back before settling down. His frown deepened as a discomforting lump dug into his spine.

Ink, whenever the heck you get back, you're sleeping on the couch for as long as you stay. 

Somewhere in the Multiverse, a paintbrush-wielding skeleton shuddered, feeling as though a great force threatened his livelihood. A green hourglass and blue refresh symbol spun in his eye sockets. He gazed at the forested expanse before him and questioned, "Who did I cross this time?" 

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