Ink's Guide To Boredom: Getting Ban From The Kitchen

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Summary: Ink isn't a great cook. 

It was a peaceful - and subsequently boring - day in the Multiverse

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It was a peaceful - and subsequently boring - day in the Multiverse. Neither a tentacle or goo puddle could be found of Nightmare, which was odd for many reasons. Rumors from the grapevine said the dark terror had an ill follower. And others told tales of an incident involving a pink dress. Needless to say, Ink did not believe any of the stories circulating the Multiverse. After all, Nightmare would look far better in a royal purple dress. Pink would clash too much with his weird sludgy coating. So, clearly, the dress story - much like the others - was false. 

As for his best friend and archrival, Error, an Undernovela marathon seized his undivided attention; The last time Ink saw the other he mentioned a new episode of the strange show... AU? Whatever it was. So, now the artist had no one to play with. He would visit another AU, but many placed a ban on him visiting when bored. Why? Who knows. Maybe it had something to do with the hairbrush, violin, and undead army/lich incident from last time.

Ink sighed and flopped onto his bed. What do my friends do when they're bored?

Following them would be the best way to find out. However, that was considered 'stalking', and 'stalking' was bad. Therefore, this problem needed to be approached from a different angle. Instead of asking what they do, he should ponder what they like.

Blue likes cooking. Maybe I should give that a try?

Five hours passed, and finally, the perfect culinary creation sat before him. Ink stared in wonder at it. And he continued to do so until Dream sudden slammed open his front door with a fire extinguisher in hand. "Ink, are you ok-" The guardian of positivity yelped as a living blaze zipped by. "Is that flaming, winged toast?!"

"That?" Ink gestured to the fiery toast bats on his ceiling, causing a blaze. "Yeah, I got bored- It seemed like a great idea at the time, but they're just kind of annoying." 

Dream's eyes soon drifted to the magnificent dish on the partially burning counter. "What even is that?"

"A french bagel - You know, like french toast, but with a bagel - and some pierogies and soy sauce. Doesn't it look great!" 

The positive of the two skeletons sighed, aiming the fire extinguisher at the flames. "Ink... Please, for the love of all that is good, never cook again."

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