Breakfast In Bed

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Summary: Dream is not interested.

Ink stood in his humble abode's generic Undertale-inspired kitchen; Much like the skeleton brothers' except containing a normal-sized sink, more counter space, and a small wooden door that led to a large, well-stocked pantry

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Ink stood in his humble abode's generic Undertale-inspired kitchen; Much like the skeleton brothers' except containing a normal-sized sink, more counter space, and a small wooden door that led to a large, well-stocked pantry. On regular occasions, he was forbidden (by both Blue and Dream) to entire the sacred food preparation area on his own. This time, however, neither were available to watch over him when his phalanges slowly turned on the front right burner of D̶r̶e̶a̶m̶'̶s̶ his stove.

Various food items occupied the stone-topped counter beside it: salami, a bread loaf, one cucumber, a block of parmesan cheese, three eggs, half a stick of butter, and soy sauce. I.e., the best elements for the perfect breakfast.

The artist believed without a doubt that his yellow-clad husband would forgo the most important meal of the day. The other had been quite nauseous (and grouchy) since becoming pregnant with their beloved miracle, Palette Roller. To the point, he spent most of his time cooped up in bed.

So what better way to surprise Dream than with a delicious Mother's Day meal and not burning down the house.


For the sixth time that month.

A wide grin stretched across Ink's jaws. He quickly grabbed a medium-sized pan and began cooking his ideal breakfast monstrosity: a toasted salami, cucumber, parmesan sandwich with a side of eggs and soy sauce for dipping it in.

Billows of smoke arose from the burn buttery bread in the shape of skulls when he finally finished and plated the terror. A skeletal hand nonchalantly lifted and disrupted the ominous symbols, waving left to right until they completely disappeared.

Pleased, the Guardian of AUs nodded. It was truly a breakfast fit for the most important mom-ster in his life.

The journey up the stair took no time at all. Before Ink knew it, a wooden rectangle on hinges blocked his way into their bedroom. His free hand turned the handle and threw open the door, allowing streams of the hallway's light to cascade through, illuminating the blankety bundle curled up on one side of the king-sized bed. Then he took a few small steps into the space and presented his creation.

"Happy Mother's Day, Dre-" He sang. However, the words got cut off by a loud, somehow woody sounding hiss followed by a pillow sailing across the room.

It struck the wall directly next to his skull with a thump, slowly sliding down to reveal a sizeable dent. His grin faltered as he glanced back at the bed. Blazing yellow eyelights glinted in the darkness beneath the slightly raised comforters.

Ink gulped in fear.

"All right, I see now is not a good time! I'll be back later." With the said, the artist rushed past the door and slammed it shut; Back pushing against the surface while he recovered from his lover's jumpscare.

After calming, he mumbled into his scarf, "You being pregnant is both a blessing and a curse."

Sharp-tipped bone attacks suddenly pierced an outline around him. Shaking, he heard a furious screech like tree branches scratching on a window emanate from behind. "I heard that!"

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