Grand Theft Latte

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Summary: Sequal to "How To (Attempt To) Socialize Your Glitch"; Prequel to "The PTA Meeting: Linda vs. Homicide." Homicide and Reaper are criminals.

Gangs and organized groups of criminals popped up in the Multiverse every once and awhile

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Gangs and organized groups of criminals popped up in the Multiverse every once and awhile. Each had its own goal. World domination, extinction of humans, total reign over the Multiverse- Every psychopathic group had their equally crazy aims. Though, the strangest one yet involved a hot beverage, coffee. From latte-ceny (larceny) to cold-brewed murder, the odd crime syndicate committed every coffee-themed offense possible and impossible. They were every barista's worst nightmare. People called these cappuccino-crazed monsters the 'Mocha Marauders.'

"Give me all the chocolate macchiato if you value your life, abomination!" Homicide growled, leaning over the cafe's counter and pressing his weapon against the barista's throat. 

Said barista, a young man who was not paid enough to be robbed by a skeleton wielding a soggy slice of bread, whimpered. Not because of the threats- goodness, no! The weapon was a bread slice. Far from the most intimidating thing in the world, yes? What he feared - what send utter shivers down his spine and turned his skin ghost-white - happened to be the cloaked monster standing behind the maniac. The skeleton monster resembled death itself. If looks could kill, the blazing blue eyelight would have murdered him twenty times over. 

Dusk descended upon the city; The setting sun painted the darkened sky with hues of orange and purple. Mocha Marauders' two leaders walked side-by-side on the empty street. Reaper glanced at Homicide, smirking as he watched the genocide skeleton enjoy the chocolate coffee drink. 

"You know," He started. "we should do this more often."

Homicide hummed in thought before shrugging. "Eh, sure. It's not like I'm doing anything else interesting. After ban me from watching TV because I 'conspired with dark forces to kill our creator'."

"It's a date, then." Reaper said, grinning. "I'll pick you up next Sunday at six o'clock. We can visit all the best coffee places in the Multiverse."

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