It Follows, It Haunts

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Summary: You can not escape, Dream. It already has your scent. (I.e. Lunar Days!Dream returns.)


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After a long (and exhausting) day's work, Dream teleported to his bedroom within the Star Sanses main base before shrugging off his traditional garb and replacing it with a silky pair of light blue pajamas. Then he quickly made strides toward his all too enticing bed, intent on sleeping until sunlight streamed through the room's moonlit windows.

Or until he was late for a meeting.

Either worked.

A content sigh escaped him once his body hit the mattress, and a soft smile stretched across his jaws as he snuggled into the fuzzy soft sheets/pillows on the bed.

His breath slowed when his mind soon began to drift off into the dream realm.

However, whatever half-formed illusion sprung up shattered at the sensation of a warm puff of air brushing along his neck followed by a high-pitched, ear-grating voice, "Has anyone ever told you you smell like apples? I like it."

The distinct sound that could only belong to sniffing echoed in the air.

"Stars all mighty!" Dream shrieked. His eye sockets snapped open, and he twisted his body around to face two lime green eyelights shimmering in the darkness.

Eyelights which belonged to an, unfortunately, familiar Sans-like skeleton curled up beside him in his bed.

Instinctively, his arm shot forward. The fist on the other end hit the intruder square in the nasal cavity.

They recoiled in pain, whining while holding their injured "nose," "Hey! I was just trying to be friendly."

"Then leave me alone!" The Guardian of Positivity retorted. His hands proceeded to garb a random pillow and violently shove it in the other's face, attempting to smother it.

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