Inktober Shorts (19) - Trick or Treat

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Summary: Just two pals having a Halloween fun time.

Beneath the full moon, monsters and humans alike walked the neighborhood dressed in costumes - ranging from frightening to silly - and participated in typical festive activities: trick-or-treating, bobbing for apples, carving pumpkins, viewing Hal...

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Beneath the full moon, monsters and humans alike walked the neighborhood dressed in costumes - ranging from frightening to silly - and participated in typical festive activities: trick-or-treating, bobbing for apples, carving pumpkins, viewing Halloween decorations, chatting with one another, and visiting home-made haunted houses for a fun scare.

"And here is our most terrifying attraction!" Blue declared, a fuzzy paw of his bunny costume gesturing toward a single white sheet hanging by a clothesline between two trees in his front yard.

The children stared, unimpressed.

"This isn't scary at all." One piped up.

"Yeah! I have a closet at home scarier than this." Another chimed.

The onesie-clad skeleton smiled. "Mweh! You're only saying that because you haven't seen the special surprise yet."

"W-what's the 'special surprise?'" A shier child in far back stammered.

On cue, a wolfish beast hopped out of the nearby bush and gave a thunderous roar.

Each child jumped and shrieked in fear, dropping their candy-stuffed bags/buckets as they hurriedly fled the yard.

The Underswap Sans giggled, quickly gathering the abandoned treats. Then offered a chocolate-filled pumpkin bucket to the "feral canine."

They raised two bony clawed hands upward and gripped both sides of their wolf head, pulling. It popped off, revealing a rounded skull with a jagged hole on the left and swollen red eyelight.

The previously disguised skeleton allowed the mask to hang by a hand at his side and used his free one to shove the candy in his inventory.

"Yes! Nice job, Horror!" Blue cheered. His paws rubbed together in a villain-esque fashion as he added, "If we keep this up, we'll beat Ink in that candy collecting competition in no time."

"Can taste... the victory. It's sweet." Horror agreed.

Suddenly, numerous high-pitched giggles and screams echoed a little ways away.

Blue perked, a sly grin slipping on his jaws.

"More kids; Get into position!" Embarrassment quickly colored his face. "Please."

The monstrous Sans nodded and slipped the faux head back over his skull before vanishing into the leaves.

From the front pouch, Killer and Nightmare watched on. Neither wearing much of a costume beyond a plain witch hat and pirate captain's jacket, respectively.

"I thought he was supposed to be one of the good guys..." The target-souled skeleton murmured, clutching his hot chocolate close while he leaned against the banister.

His boss shrugged, watching the duo terrorize yet another group of children and collect their ill-gotten gains. "Hmm, perhaps, but his morals have always been dubious at best. He is my father, after all."

Killer slowly took a sip of his beverage. "Yeah, I always forget about that..."

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