The Legend of Stink

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Summary: Blue learns how to use a bucket of water.

A/N: Just some crack conceived by a sleep-deprived human

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A/N: Just some crack conceived by a sleep-deprived human.

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Water splashed to the ground. Blue grimaced as it narrowly missed his dry armor and halted all movement, swiftly steadying the metal bucket clutched between his hands. The wet, soapy contents inside gradually became still. Thus, causing a relieved sigh to brush past his jaws. Then he resumed his harrowingly slow-paced journey through the Doodlesphere by taking one step at a time.

Thankfully, the unique realm had ample beauty to admire during the trek.

Its warm orange-tinted sky stretched far and wide. Hints of yellow, pink, and light purple hid within its depths, adding more color alongside the pale blue and white clouds drifting by; additional hues laid on neighboring floating islands. From green to brown to every color flower under the nonexistent sun- it held the vibrancy of a painting not even the most seasoned artist could conceive.

Well, no artist aside from the resident one.

While the Underswap Sans traveled the dirt path leading to Ink's awkward yet creative dwelling, he thought back to what brought him here: a text from Dream. It was more than just any text, however. It contained an urgent request followed by a code word, cyan, which remained to date one of their most serious color codes.

Though, Blue had no clue how a bucket of soapy water would help the situation. Or why the Guardian of Positivity needed it. Each text sent to inquire about the matter got left unread and unanswered- another indication of how severe the circumstances must be.

A multicolored door belonging to an equally colorful skeleton brothers'-styled house soon entered view. Despite being the appointed location, no noticeable signs indicating any activity - criminal or otherwise - were visible. Neither a single arrow nor paint attack littered the surrounding area, and the Doodlesphere's deafening silence seemed to be missing the howl of evil cackles; Not to mention the good-natured, friendly banter of his fellow Star Sanses.

Did I arrive too late, or is Dream just overreacting, he wondered. The frown marring his skull deepened. No. No, Dream wouldn't have used that code unless something serious is going on here.

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