How The Turns Have Tabled (1)

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Summary: Geno does not approve.

(Warning: This story contains mild swearing, death, blood/dust, bad parenting, and etc

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(Warning: This story contains mild swearing, death, blood/dust, bad parenting, and etc.)


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Geno foresaw this day years ago. The day his marrow would run cold deep within his bones, and the world around him would grow dim while his HP plummeted to zero.

He had expected - i.e., silently hoped - his personal harbinger of death, his beloved husband, Reaper, would be the one to tear his fragile broken soul from the mortal plane.

Not the death god's pompous, no good, bastard of a king.

Though, it could hardly be said to be unexpected.

Chief, Reapertale's Asgore, made it no mystery that he loathed both the God of Death and his ghoul-esque lover. He took great lengths to silently (and quite blatantly) convey as much via many means: his many, many hateful actions, snide comments at "required" social gatherings (parties and meetings other gods/goddesses were allowed to skip, but Reaper was forced to attend), the multiple assassination attempts (on both Geno's and Reaper's life), and the bloody glitch dared not forget about how the other forbid him and his lover from having offspring.

Something the duo so desperately desired for years prior to their union (back when gods and mortals were still allowed to procreate together), only to have a spite-driven decree snatch the opportunity away.

Geno scolded at the memory from his place on the stony dirt path leading up to his home's demolished doorsteps. Red-stained teeth pulled into a snarl as he sensed the heavenly - more like hellishly - presence directly behind him. Looming menacingly.

Unfortunately, he didn't have the power to do a single thing about it.

His magic was nearly fully depleted, hanging on due to the determination he injected into himself years ago. Deep red blood pooled beneath his crumpled body. The life substance seeped out the numerous cracks along his spine and gashes across his arms, legs, and chest.

Taking his strength with it.

Nevertheless, the glitch painstakingly forced his skull up and swept his hazy eyelights over the soul-crushing scene.

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