Inktober Shorts (31) - Spider Law

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Summary: These rules are inapplicable to Error.

(Warning: This story contains mild swearing and potentially adult humor

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(Warning: This story contains mild swearing and potentially adult humor.)

A horrid glitched cackling echoed throughout the air

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A horrid glitched cackling echoed throughout the air.

Error grinned wickedly while his deadly strings tightened around his prey: Ink, who was suspended above the Anti-Void's "floor," bearing a nervous expression.

As usual, the artist ended up in this harrowing situation by taunting the destroyer and interrupting his "job." However, this time the glitchy skeleton planned on finishing it.

His yellow-toothed smile stretched wider.

"I-I think I'll a-all almost m-iss our l-l-little tussles with-with e-each other." He jeered, sarcastically.

Hope sparked in Ink's eye sockets. Then Error let out a cruel bark of laughter, crushing it. "H-h-heh! A-as if."

His disproportionate eyes proceeded to narrow at the beige-clad pain in his neck. "B-but at least now-now that I h-have you hang-ing by a-a thread, I c-can finally get-get rid of-f you and-"

"Y-you can't kill me yet!" The Guardian of AUs interrupted, bringing an annoyed frown to his face.

"I-is that so-so, squ-id? W-w-why not?" Error demanded.

"I- Uh..." The soulless skeleton sputtered, mismatched eyelights bouncing from place to place until they landed on the dark web of souls hanging above. Thus, giving him an idea.

"According to spider law, I have to fuck you before you can kill me!" He shouted, staring intensely at the dark glitch.

The reaction was nigh instantaneous.

"W-WH-AT?!" Error stubbled back, eye sockets widening, and a garbled shriek on his tongues as a wave of glitches crawled across his bones.

He instinctively clenched his hands. The thin blue strings roped around the tips of his phalanges tensed. Consequently, further squeezing the magical binds around Ink's small frame.

"Y-yeah! We have to fuck before either of us can kill the other." The artist wheezed.

"W-w-we are-n't d-date-mates, you-you freak! A-and I'm not-not even a-a sp-spider or-or a spid-er m-monster!" The destroyer snarled. All the while, error signs fizzled in his eye sockets and along his bones.

"So you admit you know about spider law?!"

"T-that's not-not wh-at I- U-u-ugh! W-why do you-you al-ways r-ruin my d-dramatic novella-inspired mono-monologues by r-r-running your s-stupid mouth?!" Error whined, stomping his foot. "Even-even S-sin has the de-cency to-to let Asgoro f-finish his speech-speech b-before ruining h-his plans."

"Good thing we're not in a novella then."

"O-only be-cause you never f-f-follow the script when-when we r-role-play to-gether!"

"Yeesh! Calm down. Your inner Sci is showing."

"You-you c-c-can't te-ll me wh-what to d-do!" The glitch screeched.

"Well, technically, I can. But that doesn't mean you'll liste-"

Ink yelped as he promptly got deposited into a portal and landed onto a solitary rocky island in Hotland; Surrounded by red hot, bubbling magma.

He blinked, glancing around before calling up to the still-open portal. "There are better ways to make a situation heated, Error!"

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