Eight Legs

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Summary: Blue doesn't like spiders.

(Warning: This chapter contains mild swearing

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(Warning: This chapter contains mild swearing.)

Snow crunched beneath the feet of a skeleton duo; Not the resident brothers, Sans and Papyrus, but a pair that looked near-identical to the shorter brother

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Snow crunched beneath the feet of a skeleton duo; Not the resident brothers, Sans and Papyrus, but a pair that looked near-identical to the shorter brother. If the Underground were new to the Multiverse, they would be on the receiving end of looks confused and curious alike. Maybe even malicious, depending on the universe.

Thankfully, the out of AU visitors no longer got much attention aside from a fleeting glance now and again.

Classic strolled alongside his red-hoodied companion, munching on the town's local dog-made pastry, a cinnamon puppy. Not to be confused with a cinnamon bunny. Meanwhile, the Underfell skeleton beside him toyed with a plastic spider between his hand. They planned to pay their cheery counterpart a visit. For obviously different reasons, though- Which made the less petty of the two reasonably concerned.

The usually laidback Sans frowned and voiced his concerns. "Are you really going to go through with that prank? You know Blue is terrified of spiders, right?"

"Well, yeah. That's exactly why I'm doing it. Last time the fucker found a spider while I was around, he practically hid behind me until I killed the damn thing." Red smirked and waved the fuzzy fake arachnid in one hand. "Consider this a little revenge."

"Stretch is going to be furious if he finds out."

"That's a problem for future-"

The door to the Underswap skeleton brothers' house flew open, cutting off the sentence and startling both skeletons. Neither would admit it if their magic swelled aggressively in response. They watched with flared left eyelights as a gigantic, brown (non-monster) spider scurried out the opening and onto the freshly fallen snow. Sharpened bone attacks quickly followed after it, narrowly missing due to the arachnid's impressive dodging capabilities.

Before either Classic or Red could think about moving, Blue rushed past the doorway, eyelights a blazing navy blue, and yelled while brandishing a bone attack and bottle of pesticide, "You can't run forever. I will hunt you down and kill your family- slow and painfully with poison!"

"Blue, what the absolute hell?!"

At the shout, the blue-clad skeleton spun on his heels to face them. He barely gave them a glance before a look of pure mortification spread across his skull, causing him to backpedal into the house and slam the door shut behind himself.

Instead of pursuing the Sans (or the terrifyingly sized spider), the visitors opted to return to their home AUs and ponder what the hell they just witnessed.

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