Visiting Friends (2)

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Papyrus broke free from his shock-induced daze and shot a brief scathing look at Classic for using such vulgarities before rushing to his side, offering a hand to help him up. Which his fallen brother hastily accepted. Once standing upright, albeit on unsteady legs, the shortest (and eldest) host of the little get-together remained caught between attempting to stand in front of Papyrus and hide behind him. The latter option won as the new movement had diverted the skeleton beast's gaze from a cowering Edge to him. Thus, leading the original Undertale Sans to use his brother as a shield to conceal himself from sight despite brotherly instincts screaming at him to do otherwise.

The gangly, armor-clad skeleton paid it no mind; Wordlessly encouraging his one HP brother to seek protection by shifting into a better position in front of him. Then redirected his attention to their long-awaited guest. His tone carried firm yet gentle when he spoke, "I must agree with my brother, except in politer terms."

Blue visibly deflated at the words. His head tilted down in shame, shoulders sagged, and his electric blue eyelights moved to inspect the floor. Catching onto the other's change in mood, the chained creature aimed his bared teeth and low growl toward Papyrus rather than the short monster behind him.

"My sincerest apologies, Classic, Papyrus. It was wrong for me not to ask or say anything about bringing him. I had considered leaving him at home, but last time I did that, it ended poorly. To say the least." He shot a disappointed look at the snarling beast eyeing his friend with malice. "I am fairly certain that Ms. Snowfield and Lila have not forgiven me for the circumstances regarding the passing of their pet cat."

As the Underswap Sans said that, a sleek black feline swept through the kitchen doorway. (Doomfanger, Fell's pet cat, had meowed - more like screeched, in Edge's opinion - to accompany them to their destination. Hence, how she ended up in the 'Tale household. Her owner had no choice other than to bring her.) Her fit figure and well-groomed fur showed how deeply cared for she was. Fell silently used a red boot to nudge Doomfanger back into the kitchen. The cat did not retaliate, aside from casting a nasty glare at her owner. A long, fluffy tail lashed behind her as she turned around and walked back into the cooking space.

Stretch's lanky form appeared in the doorway immediately after. A single hand came up to rub his droopy eye sockets while a big yawn escaped him. As soon as his jaws clicked shut, he set his sights on the casually dressed skeleton at the front door and then the companion next to him. He raised a brow and frowned slightly. "Bro, where on earth did you find that thing?"

Blue huffed, meeting his brother's gaze with a frown.

"Stretch, do not be rude! He is a Sans, and his name is Horror. As for how he came into my care, I found him rummaging through my outdoor rubbish bin like one of those nimble-fingered, masked fiends; he nearly tore the thing apart while looking for food. Being a kind and generous soul, the magnificent me decided to feed him." His eyelights darted to the side, and a hand slowly came up to rub the back of his neck. A nervous chuckle escaped his jaws before he added, "After that... Well, my friend-making skills were so powerful I could not convince him to leave. So, I kept him."

Papyrus dared to step closer, only stopping when the aptly named Horror began to emit a louder rumble. "Blue, my friend. While the Great Papyrus does condone good deeds, don't you think he is a little - how do I say this politely - feral?"

A short growl emanated from the sofa. Edge snaked a hand past his fluffy pillow barrier and pointed a phalange between his more cheery counterpart and the supposed Sans. "We're just goin' to gloss over the fact he's keepin' a demented Sans like a pet?"

"Hush, you ingrate. That creature is better off with Blue than roaming on the streets." Fell chided, casting a wary glance over toward said broken-headed monster. "Imagine taking out the trash at night and finding that sifting through the bin."

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