Inktober Shorts (3) - Memories, Sweet Memories

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Summary: Sci is terrible at hiding things from himself.

(Warning: This chapter contains mild swearing, implied/referenced sex as well as talk about said sex

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(Warning: This chapter contains mild swearing, implied/referenced sex as well as talk about said sex... and future sex.)

Sci awoke with a tiny stretch, squinting at the whispy golden light streaming through his shared bedroom's closed grey curtains

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Sci awoke with a tiny stretch, squinting at the whispy golden light streaming through his shared bedroom's closed grey curtains. There was a bony arm slung around his waist alongside a pleasant ache in his pelvis from his and Red's late-night "activities." The mere thought of which almost had him blushing.

A brief glance at the alarm clock sat atop the nearby nightstand showed how much said "activities" caused him to oversleep (or undersleep, depending on when he and his lover actually went to bed).

On its digital interface laid "8:23 A.M."

Definitely the latter option then, given Sci's unhealthy relationship with long, napless shifts at work.

Something that he had to be dressed and ready for by 9:30 A.M.

"Ugh... Guess I better get up." He murmured to himself, slowly inching out from under the sheets, careful not to disturb his bedmate. Then he picked a discarded green t-shirt (bearing a science pun, of course) and a pair of plain black shorts off the carpeted floor and slipped them on.

From there, the mostly dressed skeleton tip-toed his way downstairs and to the kitchen- i.e., the sacred haven of any sleep-addled person's most prized possession: the coffee maker.

By the time he had it clean from yesterday's brew and new one trickling into the pot, a set of warm arms captured his waist and tugged him into a hug.

Sci gentle turned his skull to see Red's half-lidded eye sockets and dorky grin.

"Mm. Mornin', beautiful." The bulky, sharp-toothed skeleton sleepily muttered.

A soft smile graced the shorter's jaws while he greeted in return, "Morning, gummy bear. Coffee should be done in a couple minutes."

"Awesome," His datemate mumbled as he pressed a chaste kiss into his cheek. Thus, making the scientist blush a light green before he pulled away and stumbled off to the living room.

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