Inktober Shorts (9) - Noot Snoot

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Summary: Boop.

There was a slow rise and fall to Nightmare's chest as he slumbered, mind absently roaming the land of dreams

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There was a slow rise and fall to Nightmare's chest as he slumbered, mind absently roaming the land of dreams. His subconscious reveled in the peace it provided.

The lack of conflict, hardships, and many other happenings he dealt with in his day-to-day life.

Alas, the illusion broke when something firm and slightly pointy touched his nasal cavity.

Mid snore, the Guardian of Negativity groggily pried open his eye socket to see his four followers surrounding him on the bed, staring unblinkingly at his face. Which, to his sleep-addled mind, appeared far creepier than it should have. Especially since the odd Sanses did similar things on a regular basis.

His cyan eyelight drifted to a phalange. The one touching his "nose." Then it trailed up to look at the monster it was attached to, a skeleton bearing a target-shaped soul.

His brows furrowed while he gazed at the other questioningly.

Killer, in his infinite wisdom, offered two words. "Noot snoot."

The crazy skeletons promptly arose with a cheer and rushed out of the room. Thus, leaving a tired and extremely confused Nightmare behind.

Eventually, the dark lord grumbled before rolling over, attempting to find a new cozy position, "I'm not even going to ask..."

After all, at this point, he knew better than to dare question anything they do.

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