Inktober Shorts (26) - A Place To Rest

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Summary: Palette does not understand bird customs.

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Palette stared unhappily at his messy bed. The sheets were half draped across the floor, and the pillows were randomly spread atop the mattress- something that happened every morning due to his chaotic sleeping habits.

(I.e., the reason he was no longer allowed to leave glass in his room at night and why the front door now had several locks on it. Dream installed them after the eighteen-year-old artist, in his words, "escaped from the house while sleeping and terrorized a local pancake shop because he dreamt about an anthropomorphic pancake kitty... wielding a chainsaw.")

Pushing down his reservations, Palette got to work.

First, he arranged his four pillows: two by his headboard and the others pushed against the left wall- a precaution to keep him from smacking against it when he, much like his father, forgot which side of the bed to exit. Then his hands gripped the blanket and lifted it, laying it evenly across the mattress prior to tucking the edges underneath.

Despite the effortlessness of the task, it easily remained his least favorite chore. Why go through all the trouble to complete it then? He had promised his mother he'd tidy his bed before leaving to hang out at the park with Goth.

Speaking of the teenage death god, he stood in front of Palette's bedroom doorway and patiently watched while waiting for him to finish. A light purple hue covered his face.

The artist frowned. "Are you okay, Gothy? Your skull is a little flushed."

"I-it's nothing! You're just really good at that." His friend said, burying the lower half of said flushed skull into his red scarf.

"Making a bed?" Palette raised a brow before smiling, cheerily offering, "Do you not know how to make a bed? I can show you! We can even practice doing it together!"

The blush grew even brighter, practically glowing due to its intensity.

"Oh! Oh, no, i-i-it's too early for s-something like that!" Goth immediately sputtered. His legs shook as he stumbled backward out the door. All the while, his hands nervously tugged at his scarf and his feathers puffed, making his wings look soft and fluffy like they had when they were children.

He proceeded to glance away, mumbling in a volume no one else could hear, "I couldn't possibly... I didn't even bring any nesting materials- Oh, stars..."

The color on the other's face impossibly increased.

Palette blinked and hesitantly said, "I don't understand. It's just a bed."

A silent moment passed.

"Are you... afraid of beds?"

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