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Summary: I love inspirational typos.

"Brother, if you do not cease this foolishness at once, me and my friends will be forced to take action!" Dream proclaimed, warily watching the darker guardian and his two companions (only Cross and Killer, this time) turn from where they were loo...

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"Brother, if you do not cease this foolishness at once, me and my friends will be forced to take action!" Dream proclaimed, warily watching the darker guardian and his two companions (only Cross and Killer, this time) turn from where they were looting the Snowdin library's shelves.

Which, truly, wasn't all that surprising since his bother always had a certain appreciation for literature.

Nightmare rolled his eyelight and gave a dismissive wave of his hand.

"Your subpar threat has been nooted- noted." He swiftly insisted, whether trying to convince them or himself was unknown. "I said noted!"

Killer gasped, little dim glimmers sparkling in his otherwise empty eye sockets as a pleased grin worked its way onto his skull. "Evil tree baby's first pun!"

At the same time, Cross squealed, "He used our word!"

"Quiet, both of you!" The dark lord snapped, a bright cyan hue slowly creeping over his gooey cheeks; his tendrils thrashed and half-heartedly batted at his followers.

Meanwhile, Ink and Blue silently snickered in the background. Both at the scene and the unintentional wordplay.

It, however, came to a startled halt when the Guardian of Positivity suddenly lunged forward, rapidly swinging his staff at the proud fiendish skeleton duo while shrieking, "Quit corrupting my brother with your Sans-esque ways!"

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