Request: Operation F.U.N. (Part 2.2)

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Another night came and went, taking another portion of Nightmare's sanity with it. His saintly patience was running out. Fast. He hoped his boys would rescue him by now, but there was nay glimpse of them to be seen or found, which led to many worries about their wellbeing. Dust, Killer, Horror, and Cross could hold their own, but for how long? Were they hurt? Dead? Were they still trapped in separate AUs? Did they escape? If so, did they not know where Nightmare was trapped? The Lord of Darkness loathed not knowing the status of his boys. Curse Dream, and his stupid idea to separate him and his boys.

As the day continued, it merely got worse. After yesterday's trials, Nightmare thought his imprisonment couldn't get any more damning. He was wrong.

Blue skipped into the hellish room half passed noon with important news. At first, he hesitated to speak and stood far away from the darker before moving a single step closer and quietly relaying the message. "Hey, Nightmare, a guest is coming over today."

The Lord of the Night eyed Blue, skeptically. "What kind of guest?"

"Oh, well, I'm glad you asked! A friend from Aftertale needs us to babysit someone for the day. Apparently, everyone else refused to look after him." The blue-clad skeleton added the last sentence as a whisper. However, Nightmare heard him regardless.

"Hell will freeze over before I agree to watch a child."

"Come on, Nightmare! It will be a good learning experience. Plus, you might even become friends!"

A growing dread ached in his chest at a sudden realization. "No, no, no- you did not set me up on a playdate, did you?!"

Blue shuffled his feet nervously, glancing down at the ground instead of Nightmare; A gloved hand twitched before creeping upward to scratch at his neck. "Err, well, if it makes you feel better, I think you two will get along perfectly fine. The monster coming over- He has an acquired sense of humor, like you. Not to mention, he tried to stab Ink and Dream and me. So, try? To be nice? Please." 

The day crept on painfully slowly. An agonizing hour later and the Star Sanses' new charge arrived. Though Nightmare got permission to exit his room and 'learn the niceties of interacting with another monster,' he remained there. Yes, this was an opportunity to scope out an area other than the colorful-themed room. The silvery-boned skeleton, however, refused to yield to Dream or Blue's efforts. He would not participate in a playdate. His physical appearance may be that of a child, but he was not about to start acting like one. And certainly not after the most positive of them all attempted to coddle him.

Unfortunately, Nightmare had to admit the 'guest' sounded very interesting. Curse words and crashes echoed from the outer room the moment they arrived; Often followed by the scolding of Dream or Blue, while Ink encouraged the other's violent behavior, which ended with him being scolded as well. The temptation to get to know this mysterious monster grew. Nightmare struggled to ignore it. This monster- they could be a great addition to his team. Plus, his boys had been begging him for another brother. It would be a win-win... if not for the fact Dream would perceive the event as a small victory. He very well couldn't give the creep that, now could he? As the saying went, 'give them an inch, and they'll take a mile.'

Bang! His prison's door flung open, and a figure rushed in. A skeleton with a crazed grin, dressed like he successfully mugged Geno and lived to tell the tale. (A impressive feat. The second Aftertale Sans was notoriously brutal during combat; Known for giving Death himself a run for his money.) Nightmare could only watch in bewilderment and shock as the skeleton saw a unicorn plush and proclaimed, "Stabbed horse!"

"The funk?!", slipped passed the negative guardian's jaws. Who was this skeleton? Why were they referring to a unicorn as a 'stabbed horse'? And, how mentally sound were they?

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