Dragon On An Old Story

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Summary: "Error, The Dragon's Prince(ss)," but with Nightmare instead.

(Warning: This chapter contains mild swearing

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(Warning: This chapter contains mild swearing.)

"Dragon! Take cover in the tall grass

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"Dragon! Take cover in the tall grass." The fearful cry echoed across the battlefield, bringing pause to the staff and tendril attacks exchanged between two guardian brothers, Nightmare and Dream; Plus halted their fellow combatants.

Unfortunately, the shout of warning came too late.

The Guardian of Negativity had no time to prepare before a red blur dove at him from above. Sharp claws soon dug painfully into his sides and helped carry him into endless blue skies, forcing him to watch as the green earth drifted further and further out of reach.

"Why today of all days does an overgrown lizard have to ruin my battle against Dream?" Nightmare growled under his breath, then looking up to the dragon and demanding, "Release me this instant or face the consequences!"

The creature huffed and tightened its hold.

His single visible eye socket narrowed. The cyan light trapped within flared aggressively. "Fine. Have it your way then."

Dark tendrils wiggled out from the space between each claw, sharpening while they prepared to strike, and once ready, they pierced the dragon's toes. The reaction was instantaneous. A mighty screech of agony escaped the flying beast's maw, and its claws retracted. Nightmare plummeted toward the ground at an increasing rate without their support. Thus, causing him to use his magic to teleport to safety.

A fit of bubbly laughter assaulted his ears upon his reappearance in the open field that he got snatched from.

Ink stood to his right- half leaning over, arms clutched over his stomach, and inky black tears forming in the corners of his eye sockets. A yellow sun and a bright green clover danced in the self-proclaimed guardian's eye sockets when he noticed the dark lord, which led to him snorting and laughing even hard.

The artist's eyelights shifted between more cheery colors and shapes before he managed to choke out, "Pfft- Ha! 'mare, are you - heh - embarrassed you're a virgin?"


"Ink, don't taunt my brother. It is not his fault he can't even get a member of his gang to share a bed with him." Dream glance toward his brother and grimaced, quickly amending, "Oh. B-but- uh, don't worry, Nightmare! I'm sure one day you will find a monster to share love - hate - with."

Fortunately (or unfortunately), Killer chose that moment to intervene with his own question. "Okay, how the hell is Nightmare the virgin and not Blue, Dream, or the goddamn haphephobic?!"

"You're just salty you lost the bets." Horror chimed, shaking a hefty bag of G.

Rather than responding, the eyelightless skeleton spun on his heel and jabbed a phalange in the touch-fearing destroyer's direction. "You fucked Death in another life, didn't you!"

Error blinked, brows furrowing; the strings wrapped around his phalanges aimlessly twirled in the air while he pondered. "U-u-uh- Maybe-be? Don't r-remember. I h-had a lot-lot of eggnog that-at n-night."

"Error, you rascal! You have to tell me all about it." Blue bounded up to the glitch with stars for eyelights.

Dream grimaced once more. "Whoa, whoa! Slow down, Blue. We did not come here to talk about Error's... pastimes."

"We could anyway."

"Ink... No."

A light cough caught the groups' attention. The armor-clad, local Sans gestured to the sky. "Star knights, sinister warriors. The dragon is returning."

Sure enough, the winged lizard zipped through the air toward the skeletons with determination set on its features. Each member of the dark and light Sanses teleported away, leaving the shiny armored knight to fend for himself.

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