Mid-stakeout Snack

96 13 4

Summary: Eat your moss!

Moonlight peeked through the oaken canopy overhead

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Moonlight peeked through the oaken canopy overhead. Its soft, white rays were barely enough to illuminate the brown leafy layer spread across the ground. Crickets chirped from their perches hidden in the forest's lush foliage, and bats squeaked as they devoured insects in the night sky.

Beyond the treeline, past a dense shrub barrier, laid the makings of a small town: a main roadway, sparse streets, rustic log buildings (used as houses and shops alike), and meticulously spaced out metallic streetlamps that brightened the sidewalks/roads.

Moths fluttered around the latter structure, providing subpar entertainment for their bored watcher, Blue. The azure-armored skeleton sat crosslegged behind some bushes, slumped with his elbows resting on his knees and hands propping up his head. His eyelights flicked from moth to moth while mentally counting them for what had to be the fortieth time that night.

And he highly doubted it would be the last.

He and his fellow Star Sanses - Ink and Dream - were requested to stakeout the area by the local Sans due to the Nightmare's increasing activity (i.e., seemingly harmless appearances) in the AU. Something that could spell more than a little trouble if the fallen guardian was planning something dastardly. However, it seemed more and more unlikely as the hours passed; Blue wished he would hurry up and do something if he did have an evil plan in the making.

A loud gurgle cut through the air.

Responding to the subsequent sharp hunger pain in his soul, Blue winced and turned to their group's "leader" to ask, "How much longer until we call this mission a bust? We've been waiting for Nightmare and his gang to appear in this AU for the last seven hours, and I'm starting to get really hungry."

Ink made brief "hmm" of consideration, lightly shifting in his crouched position halfway poking out a bush, holding a pair of binoculars to his eye sockets... backward.

"No idea! But we should wait at least another two or more hours before deciding they're not going to show up." The soulless skeleton chimed, oddly focused on whatever he spotted in the town.

Given his track record, it was probably nothing. Then again, Blue wouldn't put it past the other to secretly be watching people (a couple, family, or otherwise) or a well-positioned TV through a window.

"Alright," The Underswap Sans sighed. "But you're buying me tacos after this."

Ink grunted a noncommittal, "yeah, sure." and waved him off, so he turned back to the uneventful streets they were tasked with watching.

Not even a minute later, a finger lightly tapped his left shoulder. The hand and subsequent arm attached to it belonged to no other than Dream.

The ever-cheery monster offered an understanding smile and said, "Since we can't leave and get food just yet, do you want to share some moss with me in the meantime?"

His hand slowly gestured to the fine green growth sprouting along the base of the tree next to them.

Each corner of Blue's jaws quickly drooped, creating an uncertain frown. All the while, his nasal cavity wrinkled as he attempted to decline the offer as politely as possible. "Uhh, no, thank you."

"More for me then." The yellow-clad guardian said.

He proceeded to scrape a generous helping of moss into his hand and shoved it in his mouth. Then repeated the process over and over again until eventually sniffling, murmuring, "J-just like how Nightmare used to pick it."

Blue cringed, shuffling slightly closer to Ink. His voice carried a hint of concern as he whispered to the other, "I worry about him."

Ink gave a single glance between him and their friend before shrugging, almost uncaringly.

"Yeah, me too, but this is pretty normal by his standards- You should have seen the looks on the Council's faces when a stray butterfly wandered into the meeting room, and he shoved it in his mouth. I'm pretty sure someone cried." The artist grinned at the memory before exclaiming, "It was great!"

Blue cast a nervous look to where Dream was sorrowfully eating the forest's vegetation. "...I think that worries me even more."

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