Two Positives Make A Negative (3)

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A/N: As per request, I have created a separate book for this story.

As suspected, Nightmare was up to his usual shenanigans and dastardly deeds- except reaching an all-time low nigh inconceivable for the Guardian of Negativity

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As suspected, Nightmare was up to his usual shenanigans and dastardly deeds- except reaching an all-time low nigh inconceivable for the Guardian of Negativity. Both the affected AU and his location within it could be pinpointed with shocking ease. That in and of itself was a terrifying realization. The self-proclaimed King of Darkness always - without failure or a single mishap - prevented Dream from sensing him as much as possible. To abandon that strategical advantage- Nightmare either had to of become enraged beyond care or decided to no longer hold back in battle. Or, believed Dream had finally given up on chasing after the shadow of his older brother. For all the yellow-clad skeleton knew, the malicious monster and his goons may believe him to be dead, which was a plausible possibility. His universal absence could not have gone unnoticed by anyone. 

Not that it mattered right now; There were more important affairs to attend to, like giving his brother a chance to be in Palette's life. A chance to make a change for the better. One last chance to prove his guideless path was the one he wished to follow. And, in the event it proved useless to persuade him, Dream would leave him be- give up on reuniting with the silvery-boned skeleton he once called brother.

Palette was his priority now. As such, Dream could not chase after a fanciful notion and risk his child's health and safety in the process. (Ink already did enough of that for both of them: not being around to defend Dream and their unborn child when needed, running off on inane quests at the drop of a hat, vanishing for weeks/months on end. Not to mention, making Dream question why he married the artist in the first place.) His precious little miracle deserved a parent that would put him above all else. Dream wanted to become that parent; would do anything and everything to achieve said goal. Success was the only option.

Hence, why the skeleton now quested to locate some light but sturdy armor before embarking to the afflicted AU. His usual battle attire - while not only too small due to his size - was crafted with long-range combat in mind. Which, in hindsight, should have been rectified ages ago, as Dream always ended up on the front lines alongside Ink and Blue. How many injuries could he have avoided by changing it to something more suitable for close-range combat? A majority. His naive beliefs also brought about unnecessary pain. Nightmare would hurt him, no matter how much he wished otherwise. 

Mercy did not exist. Not even between brothers. 

Exactly why Dream decided to proceed with caution. Before - during a time when an adorable little soul wasn't growing inside him - it did not matter; A millennium of fighting taught him how to take a hit. Whether a punch, kick, slash, magic attack, etc.- Dream could handle it. Palette, however, was frail and tiny. A single errant strike would dust the baby before he was even born.

The Guardian of Positivity refused to allow that. 

While rummaging through his own disorganized wardrobe, Dream finally found the sought armaments: a silky, canary yellow scarf that added plus fifteen defense, light leather armor with mythril plating on the interior, and sturdy pair of boots. Perfect. For its purpose, at least. All in all, the outfit looked like it came straight out of RPGtale; It didn't exactly scream hero either. The dark-hued leather pieces were far from welcoming in design. That, coupled with the ominous aura they exuded, made Dream seem more like a yellow-scarfed highwayman then anything else. 

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