Sapling Care

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Summary: Just Dream and Nightmare taking care of their boys.

Dream, Ink, and Blue rushed along a well-traveled dirt trail- ignoring the numerous signs that held warnings/directions and diverging paths as they focused on their goal

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Dream, Ink, and Blue rushed along a well-traveled dirt trail- ignoring the numerous signs that held warnings/directions and diverging paths as they focused on their goal.

That goal being: protecting the AUs from the wrath of evil!

Because, moments prior, they had received a concerned message from the local Sans informing them that Nightmare and his gang were in the area. Thus, disrupting their peaceful afternoon hanging out in Underswap (there may or may not have been marshmallows and board games involved) and bringing them here, a quaint Undertale-esque AU where monsters now lived on the surface.

The tallest in the trio - Blue, surprisingly - took the lead; In his raised hand laid a rectangular, metallic device not all too dissimilar to a cellphone bearing several buttons and a screen displaying a detailed map.

(Which they just so happened to "cleverly" call the Bad Sanses Locator.)

On the screen, a little ways away from their pinpointed location was the blinking red dot they had been tracking since arriving in the AU.

Nightmare and his fiendish followers, no doubt.

It also had a couple of nearby restaurants marked to check out later.

For evil, of course.

And Dream thought that family-owned pastry shop would be the evilest of them all, with delicious coffee cakes and cookies. (No, he did not have a coffee addiction. He was simply passionate about finding new places to take his fellow coffee-lover and datemate.)

Alas, caffeinated treats would have to wait.

Their current mission took priority, forcing them - though, only Dream was mourning the loss of coffee - to continue onward, alert for any signs of danger.

Temperate air swept through the lush green trees/bushes kept at bay by a modest, split rail wooden fence located on each side of the dirt trail; a little monthly trimming probably helped too. Birds, insects, and other native wildlife sounded in the distance. Their unique tones and tunes created an eerily peaceful song. Despite the lethal group lurking somewhere among the trees.

That thought alone was enough to inspire the three skeletons to pick up the pace until, finally, the trail opened into a large clearing with a shimmering blue lake settled right in the middle.

No local monsters or humans were in sight, only the menacing skeletal forms the do-gooding group learned to associate with their foes.

This time, however, they wore rather unusual combat attire: flip-flops, swim trunks, sunglasses, and, in Horror's case, a floppy sun hat and a red/white, floral Hawaiian shirt as well.

All three colorful clad heroes halted, vastly different eyelights examining the deceptively unvillainous scene.

Horror sat on the wooden dock a little ways away beside a small tackle box, holding a cast fishing rod. Its glittering bobber slowly bounced up and down in the water. Though enticing (to both Ink - given how he stared at the shimmers - and the fish), it failed to receive a single bite.

Killer and Dust wrestled in the shallows, scaring away any nearby aquatic wildlife, while Cross swam narrow circular laps beyond their battle zone. Away from Horror's fishing spot, likely fearing getting a face full of hooks and tackle. And inciting the other's wrath if he accidentally spooked the brown/grey fish cautiously flitting about the dock.

The Guardian of Positivity blindly approached the most potent source of negativity. His friends followed closely behind.

"Nightmare!" He shouted before blinking and taking in the other's unintimidating position, sputtering, "W-what are you doing?"

The dark lord was resting on his back and buried up to the neck in the sand next to a surprisingly detailed sandcastle, a few colorful pails/trowels, and other oddly childish outdoor toys (a beach ball, plastic dinosaurs, etc.). Four dark tendrils sprouted out the ground on each side of him, lightly swaying in the gentle breeze; Almost like twisted, viscous vines.

Nightmare scoffed and cracked open his good eye socket, piercing the trio with his chill-inducing cyan eyelight. "Nothing nefarious, if that's what you are here to accuse me of doing. Me and the boys are merely eating."

Ink raised an invisible brow, glance toward the three in the water, and leaned over to an equally puzzled Blue to whisper, "They are swimming. Right? Or have I forgotten what swimming is again?"

"No, they're swimming." The blue-clad skeleton murmured in reply.

The  negativity-laden guardian didn't so much as acknowledge their side conversation, eyeing his brother and stating as if they never tried to fight each other on a near-daily basis. Or like a caring father. Either worked. "They're only twenty-eight years old. Can you believe it? So young and with so much growing left to do. Need to let them get the proper nutrients while they can; I'd hate if their growth was stunted due to improper care."

He hesitantly added after a few moments. "You should join us."

"That's a wonderful idea!" Dream gasped excitedly.

Bright yellow magic promptly encompassed Blue and Ink, lifting them from the ground and push them toward the lake.

"Wait, Dream-" Blue screeched as he was dangled above the clear blue liquid, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

Ink experienced the same treatment, leaving him to whine at the same time, "But it's not time for my weekly bath!"

Their yellow-clad companion paid their protests no mind and released his magical hold, dropping them. Waves formed as the duo plunged into the deep; below the rippling surface.

Soon, after much arm and leg flailing, Ink and Blue arose. One wearing scowl while the other scrabbled to salvage his slowly staining scarf and ink-bleeding notes.

"Now stay hydrated and photosynthesize." The Guardian of Positivity cheerily shouted to them. Just as he began to turn around, his expression turned thoughtful, and he added, "Oh, and remember to be nice to my brother's scion. There is plenty of water and sunlight for everybody, so there is no need to fight over it."

Dream proceeded to turn left, take ten long steps away from his brother, and did something that would scar many for years to come- i.e., fearlessly burrowed completely beneath the sand.

A task he completed with practiced ease.

Thereafter, his arms shot up like saplings, phalanges spread out in a leaf-like fashion, allowing them to soak in the warm rays of sunlight.

It was certainly an interesting, more concerning sight.

Cross paddled over and grimaced at the two bony appendages poking from the ground, "Err... So Dream has some weird 'plant things' too? About sun and water?" He paused, pointedly glancing toward the negativity-laden skeleton mostly hidden in the sand. "And dirt?"

"Apparently?" Blue shrugged the best he could, scowl being overtaken by with a concerned frown.

"If he suffocates down there, can keep his clothes? Or, maybe, his socks?" Ink questioned, staring blankly in Dream's direction. Then grinned and flapped his arms around in the water excitedly at an idea, causing small splashes. "Oh-oh, I should burn his house down instead!"

The Underswap Sans softly bat the artist on the back of his skull. "Ink, no!"

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