Inktober Shorts (28) - Pathfinding

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Summary: Ink will always find a way... to break things.

Together, Ink and Dream sped through the dense pine trees of Snowdin Forest, doing what they did best: blindly rushing toward evil

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Together, Ink and Dream sped through the dense pine trees of Snowdin Forest, doing what they did best: blindly rushing toward evil.

No more than a few seconds later, the latter realized his artistically inclined companion was no longer following behind him. He halted and immediately began searching for the other. All the while, worry crept onto his face.

Dream perked but promptly deflated when he spotted his friend, who was awkwardly walking into a tree yet somehow not colliding with it.

"What are you doing?" He asked in exasperation.

"Sorry, Dream! My pathfinding is broken again; Go on without me!" Ink cried, then proceeded to break the laws of physics further by beginning to spin while still walking in the same place.

The Guardian of Positivity sighed, donning an unamused expression as he turned away and continued down his chosen path.

Of course, it is, he thought.

A moment after, his mind deviously added, Maybe I should leave him there for a few days. It's not like he's magically going to free himself any time soon.

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