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Peter's POV:

''There's about fifty reporters behind that door. Real ones, not bloggers.'' Mr. Stark says, as he double taps his watch. The wall in front of us opens, revealing a new Spider-Man suit.

''And when you're ready, why don't you try that on?'' he asks ''And I'll introduce the world, to the newest official member of The Avengers. Spider-Man.''

I'm left speechless, as I walk to the suit, staring at it.

''Yeah, give that a look. And after this, Happy will show you to your new room, your quarters. You'll be next to Vision.'' Mr. Stark says, pointing at Happy.

''Yeah, Vision's not big on doors. It's fun.'' Happy says.

''You'll fit right in.'' Mr. Stark finishes.

I snap out of my shock and take a step back, looking at him.

''Is this a test?'' I ask, he shakes his head.

''No, we're past the tests. You've proven yourself more than once.'' he replies.

I look at the suit, before looking back at Mr. Stark ''Yes.''

''Great! Now put on the suit, we'll be announcing the news in five minutes.'' he says, clapping his hands together.

''How do I put it on? It doesn't look like fabric.'' I reply, a bit confused. He smirks.

''Double-tap the spider on it's chest.'' he replies. I do walk over to the suit and double-tap the spider.

There is a wave of technology, which I recognize as nanotech, as the suit forms into a silver ring. I walk over to it, to see a small spider logo on it.

''Wow.'' is all I can say, as I take the ring off the mannequin.

''Now slip it on your finger and double-tap the spider emblem. But take off your jacket, it might be uncomfortable.'' Mr. Stark says.

I take off my jacket, as Happy takes it from my hands. I then slip the ring on my right ring finger and double-tap the small spider logo. I can feel the wave of nano particles cover my body. When it's finished, the smell of a new car fills my nose.

''How do I take off my mask?'' I ask.

''It's connected to your brainwaves. Just order it to come off.'' he replies. I do as he says and I feel the mask come off.

''This is awesome.'' I exclaim, with a smile. That's when a woman with strawberry blonde hair comes out of the room. I can see the reporters on the other side.

''Hi, you must be Peter. I'm Pepper Potts.'' she pulls out her hand. I shake it.

''Hello, Miss. Potts.'' I reply.

''Come on, kid. Let's go.'' Mr. Stark says as he and Pepper start to walk towards the door.

I take a deep breath and make the mask form around my head. Then I follow them.


We leave the room and I sigh in relief. I look at Mr. Stark, making my mask come off.

''Welcome to the team, kid.'' Mr. Stark smiles at me.

''Thank you, Mr. Stark.'' I reply, with a smile.

''Cut the 'Mr. Stark' crap, call me Tony.'' he replies.

''Alright, Tony.'' I say. It feels weird to call him by his first name. But I think I can get used to it.

''Now, Happy will take you to your room. You can settle in, then you will meet the other Avengers.'' Tony says, as happy gives me my jacket back.

I follow Happy to the elevator, and we go to the 7th floor, which is the highest. We walk past a lot of rooms and stop in front of a door. Happy opens the door and I walk in.

It's a big room. It has a desk, a bookshelf, a big window, a king-sized bed, and a walk-in closet.

I set my jacket on the bed and Happy hands me my backpack. I set that on the bed too and sit next to my stuff.

''So this is my room?'' I ask, still looking around.

''Yep. Across from you is Vision. He is the red-ish android.'' Happy replies, I nod.

''Come on, kid. Time to meet the others. Get your ass up.'' Tony says, entering the room. I quickly stand up and double tap my chest, making the suit form back into the ring.

''Alright, let's go.'' I say, after taking a deep breath. Tony and I walk away, as Happy goes back to the elevator. I don't know where we're going, so I just follow Tony.

We go through a door, to find all of the Avengers sitting around the room. Mr. Barton and Mr. Wilson are watching TV, Vision is talking to Mr. Rogers and Ms. Maximoff is talking with Ms. Romanoff. Mr. Barnes and Mr. Banner are talking to each other as well.

When I enter the room, everyone stops what they were doing and looks at me.

''Uhh, hi?'' I say, shyly. The first one to approach me is Mr. Rodgers.

''Hello, Peter. Welcome to the team.'' he pulls out his hand, with a polite smile.

''Hi, Mr. Rodgers.'' I shake his hand.

''Please, call me Steve. No need for formalities.'' Steve says ''That goes for all of us.''

''Hi. I'm Natasha, but you can call me Nat if you prefer.'' Ms. Romanoff walks over to me, shaking my hand.

''Nice to meet you.'' I smile.

''I'm Wanda.'' Ms. Maximoff says, coming over to me with a smile. I've always thought she is beautiful, but meeting her in real life is just something else.

''Uhh, hi. Peter.'' I quickly shake her hand, feeling blood rush to my cheeks. She gives me a sweet smile, before going back to the couch she was sitting on before.

I greet the rest of the Avengers, except Mr. Banner. He walks over to me, with a kind smile.

''Hello, Peter.'' he shakes my hand.

''Hi, Mr. Banner. I'm a big fan of your work. Especially about Gamma Radiation, it's very fascinating.

''Wait, you understand my work? How old are you?'' he asks me, surprised. He seems happy that someone recognizes him for his job, and not the Hulk.

''Fifteen.'' I reply, enjoying the surprised look on his face.

''Really? Me too!'' I hear a voice and look in it's direction, to see Wanda smiling brightly at me.

''Wait, really?" I smile.


So here's the first chapter of my new story!

At first, I was planning to post this in about 2 weeks, but I wanted to make it a bit sooner.

But for the next 2 or 3 weeks, the updates will be once a week. Then I will go back to updating twice a week.

I hope you liked it! Votes and comments are appreciated!

See ya!

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