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Peter's POV:

We're walking towards another meeting with Fury, wondering what it's about. I'm guessing it has something to do with our last mission.

I got released from the Med Bay about 3 hours ago. Wanda continued to teach me to play guitar before we watched a movie. We didn't get to finish it, though, because Friday told us that Fury is waiting in the meeting room.

We all enter the room, taking our seats around the table. Fury is standing in the front of the room, scanning us with his eye.

''First of all, congratulations on the success of defeating Killian.'' he says. Everyone nods before he continues talking.

''Despite your great work, we can't fully say that the mission was a success.'' he says. He pulls out a remote, pressing a button. A hologram of a very burnt body comes up. I feel my heart sink, instantly realizing what that is.

''This man was one of the people that were in the building when it set on fire. His dead body was found under a pile of debris. And as far as I remember,'' he says, looking me dead in the eyes ''Spider-Man was responsible to get people out of the building.''

I harden my jaw, as I look down. He's right. I was responsible for this man's life, and I failed him. I failed his family. I let him die.

''Did he have any family?'' I ask, my voice cracking. I quickly clear my throat, hoping no one noticed the voice crack.

''He did, in fact. He had a wife and a year old son.'' Fury replies, making my heart sink deeper into my chest. I can't believe I let this happen.

''The reason I called this meeting is,'' Fury says, scanning everyone with his eye ''because I don't consider Spider-Man worthy enough to be a part of the Avengers.''

I close my eyes, at hearing those words. I should've known. Honestly, I should've known. Damn that Parker Luck.

''What?! How can you say that?! He was the one who took down Killian!'' Wanda's voice exclaims. Approving words are heard, as I open my eyes. I realize a few tears have made their way into my eyes.

''And he's the one who's responsible for this man's death.'' Fury raises his voice, pointing at the hologram. Wanda just scoffs.

''I have taken over a thousand lives, because of my mistakes! Peter makes a single one, and he suddenly shouldn't be on the team?'' Wanda asks, raising her voice with every word. While the Avengers and Fury continue to argue, I silently stand up and leave the room.

I make my way to my room, a tear sliding down my cheek. I'm not even sure why I'm crying. I lost my place on the team, while a family lost their member. I enter my room and close the door, pulling out my duffel bag.

I start to throw in my clothes until I notice a picture on my nightstand. I take it and sit on my bed, next to the duffel bag. I trace Uncle Ben's face with my finger, before wiping away my tears.

''I'm sorry, Ben. I should've done better.'' I mumble, holding back more tears. I'm not going to cry. I place the picture in the bag before I hear my room door open. I look at the entrance of the room, to see Wanda.

Her eyes scan my tear-stained face, before moving to the duffel bag, that's next to me. And before I know it, she walks over to me and wraps me in a tight hug.

''Don't go.'' she mumbles into my chest. I softly smile, returning the warm hug.

''I don't have a choice. Knowing Fury, they won't be able to convince him.'' I say, stroking her hair. She then slightly pulls away, remaining in my arms. She looks up into my eyes before her eyes travel to my lips.

She then leans up, pressing her lips against my own.

Shock. Suprise. Happiness. Adoration.

Those are only some of the feelings that are running through my heart, right now. All I can think about, is the soft pair of lips that are pressed against my lips. Nothing else exists, at the moment.

Her lips are so soft, so warm, just like had imagined. Her hands travel to the back of my neck, as my hands settle on her hips.

It might have been a year, it might have been a month, or it might have been a few seconds before she pulls away. A slight blush is lingering on her cheeks, as she smiles at me. I cup her cheek, before pressing a soft kiss against her forehead.

Without saying another word, I close my duffel bag and pick it up, placing it over my shoulder. I then turn to Wanda, who hugs me once again.

''I'll visit you.'' she smiles. I softly smile back, the feeling of her warm lips still lingering in my mind.

''I'll be looking forward to it.'' I say, slipping my hand in hers. She gives it a soft squeeze before we leave the room. We walk towards the elevator, to see the others already standing there. When we walk over to them, some of them have noticed our intertwined arms. Those who have, have knowing smiles on their faces.

''Well, it was fun while it lasted.'' I say. Each of them hugs me before I look at Tony. I sigh and slip the silver ring off my finger, handing it to him.

''No, you keep that.'' he says. I look up in surprise. He grins at me, before pulling in a hug.

''All of us will do our best to change Fury's mind. You're a part of this team. A part of this family. Family doesn't give up on each other."Nat says. I smile and nod, flashing them a thankful smile.

The elevator doors open, as I'm about to enter. But before I do, I bring Wanda's hand to my face and kiss her knuckles. I softly smile at her, stepping into her elevator.

''I'm glad you feel the same.'' I say. A 'Me too.' is heard from her, as the elevator doors close. I go down in silence before the doors open. I leave the compound and clip on my web-shooters, adjusting the duffel bag on my shoulder.

Time to head home.


Please don't hate me :D. This is just temporary. I thought this would make the plot more interesting.

And, I thought this would be a good way to bring Peter and Wanda together.

Anyways, I hope you liked it! Votes and comments are appreciated!

See ya!

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