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Peter's POV:

Me and Tony get out of the car, walking towards the school.

''Are you sure this is a good idea?'' I ask.

''Relax, Pete. It's going to be fine.'' he replies. I nod, still unconvinced.

''I'll wait outside the classroom until I hear the teacher call you.'' he says. I just nod again, giving him a hug and entering the school, while he stays outside.

I walk to my locker, placing my bag in it and getting out the books I'll need for the first period. I then make my way to the Science classroom, where I see Ned and MJ already waiting for me.

''Hey, man.'' I take my usual seat next to Ned, as we do our handshake. All of the parents are sitting at the back of the classroom. Well, except Tony, obviously.

I'm getting nervous by the second, as me, Ned, and MJ start talking. I'm zoned out, though. I keep running every possible scenario of what could go down, in my head.

The bell soon rings and Mr. Harrington starts talking. My knee keeps bouncing the entire time of his speech since I'm really nervous.

''Hello, students and parents! As we are all aware, today is career day. I asked each student to bring a parent or a guardian to school, to tell about their everyday work.'' Mr. Harrington says ''We shall go through the list of students.'' he says, taking a look at his monitor ''Betty Brant.''

Betty and her mom walk to the front of the classroom, as her mom introduces herself. She then starts talking about her career, which I'm not listening to, to be honest.


''Peter Parker.'' Mr. Harrington's voice sounds across the room, making me perk up. I sit up straight, trying to make it look like I never fell asleep.


''Were you able to bring anyone?''

''I, er..'' I start, looking for words. But before I can embarrass myself, the door bursts open revealing the one and only, Tony Stark. Everyone else in the room gasps, as I feel my heart skip a beat.

''Hello, everyone!'' Tony says, giving them his paparazzi smile. We go to the front of the classroom and he continues talking.

''I'm Anthony Stark, but you probably already knew that.'' he says, taking off his stylish glasses and hanging them on the breast pocket of his jacket.

''What you most likely didn't know,'' he says ''is that I'm also Peter's mentor and boss.''

Man, do I wish I'd have a camera at this very moment. Everyone's mouths, even the parents', are hanging wide open. The one I'm favoring, though, is Flash's priceless expression. I've been waiting for so long, for this.

''On a daily basis, I work on developing multiple society saving projects. Peter helps me with most of them. For example, if it weren't for him, we never would've been able to open the idea of a Stark Prosthetic.''

''Peter has already come up with most of the blueprints for the prosthetic. It could replace an arm, leg, finger, whatever. It would feel like the real one and it would take the color of one's skin. Yet it would only be made of naturally safe materials.''

There is thick tension in the air, as everyone's shocked gaze is switching from me to Tony. I'm not sure what they're more surprised about: the fact that Tony Stark is in the room, or that I wasn't lying about my internship. Well, kinda.

''Back to my career, though. On necessary occasions, I get to work in the well-known Iron Man suit. Whenever it comes to working as an Avenger, I rarely despise it. Mostly because in that line of job you get to see a lot of not-so-pleasant things.''

''Though that doesn't change the fact that I love both of my jobs, and I'm glad I was able to make a difference in the world. And I'm sure Peter will too after I retire, since he is the heir of Stark Industries.''

That one shocked even me. Though I try to hide my expressions, I still give him a look. He smiles and secretly gives me a wink, making a small smile form on my face. Whether or not what he just said is true, I'm glad I got to hear it. That would literally be my dream.''

''Alright, I think that's about it.'' he says, putting his glasses back on. He then turns to Mr. Harrington who is just as shocked as everyone.

''A word, please?'' he says. Mr. Harrington nods, following Tony out of the class. Meanwhile, I silently walk back to my seat and sit down.

''That was awesome, dude! I didn't know you're the heir of Stark Industries!'' Ned fanboys in a whisper yell. I chuckle, looking at him.

''Yeah, me neither.''

Tony's POV:

As I leave the class with Peter's teacher, he closes the classroom door. He then looks at me, excitement burning in his eyes. Too bad it's about to be gone, though.

''Do you know Flash Thompson?'' I ask. He nods in response.

''Yes, he's in my class, why?'' he replies. I take off my glasses, glaring at him.

''Peter came home busted up a week ago. He was bleeding, as his face was black from getting beat up. We managed to get a name out of him. Flash Thompson.'' I say in a deadly voice. By now the color of his face is long gone.

''Just for your information, I will be writing a complaint against you, Eugene, and his parents. I'll make sure the kid's best bet of a future is working in a KFC Drive-Thru. So unless you want me to do the same to you, I suggest you get your students back in line.'' I finish.

The man quickly nods, as I put my glasses back on. I shake his head, which was very sweaty. I know I am intimidating, but no need to shit your pants. As I leave the school, I text Peter that I'm going to pick him up from school today.

I then get into my car, starting to head towards a McDonalds'. I'm craving a Big Mac. I'll get something for Peter, too.


So, just 5 more chapters to go!

I hope you've enjoyed the story so far, and I hope you do until the end.

See ya!

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