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Peter's POV:

I arrive home from school, saying hi to May and heading straight for my room. I drop my backpack by the bed and sit at my desk. I turn on my old school pc.

Here's a list of things I will try:

1. See if Claire Redfield has an Instagram account.

2. Go through the list of Sokovia bombing victims. The dead and the injured.

3. Look through Sokovian school student lists.

4. And if at least one of those works, track down Claire Redfield.

As my pc turns on, I go straight to Instagram, typing 'Claire Redfield' in the search bar. A lot of profiles pop up and I sort out the ones that belong to 15 - 16 year old girls. Those are about 17.

Then I look for any signs, that at least one of the profiles might belong to a Sokovian citizen. Unfortunately, there isn't any. So, I move on to the next step.

I hack into the SHIELD database. I'm surprised it took me less than 20 minutes. Previously it took me more than 40. Still, it's not very difficult. For a secret spy organization, they are not doing a good job in that division.

I scroll through their reports until I find the one I'm looking for. Bombing in Sokovia, March 30, 2009.

(A/N: I know the year of the bombing is different. I changed it for the sake of the plot.)

I find the list of the dead and injured, starting to scroll through it. I eventually come across the names Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, making a pang of sympathy hit my heart. I wish I would've gotten a chance to meet Pietro. From Wanda's stories, he sounds like a cool guy.

I continue to scroll down until a certain name catches my eye.

Claire Redfield - Injured.

A small smile makes its way to my face, knowing I'm a step closer to finding Wanda's past friend. I save the file on my desktop, moving to the next step. I pull up the list of schools in Sokovia.

I hack into the first school's database. It doesn't take longer than 3 minutes. I scroll through the student lists, only to find no Claire Redfield. I sigh, looking at the long list of Sokovian schools. This is going to take a long time.


I arrived home after 4 PM. It's now almost 7 PM. And I'm still going through the school list. I have less than 20 schools left, as I start to scroll through the student list. I take a sip of my coffee before a certain name catches my eye.

Claire Redfield.

I save the file on my desktop, before continuing to scroll through the list. Even though I found the name, I'm still going to check all of the schools. There might be multiple Claire's.

Another half-hour passes until I'm finally done. I sigh and lean back, stretching my arms. I found 47 Claire's in total, but only 2 of them have Redfield as their last name. And that makes my life 10 times easier.

One of them is in Senior year of high school. I considered that to be the one I'm looking for, until I saw the other one. She's in her Junior year. Juniors are usually 16-17 years old, whilst Seniors are 17-18.

That sums it up. Now I just have to track down the Claire I'm looking for. I don't think it will take too much work to find her phone number.

Oh, boy. How wrong I was.


It's now past 9 PM. I still haven't found Claire's phone number. Apparently, Sokovian files are way differently oriented online, and I'm not the slightest bit familiar with the file layout.

I continue to search every database I can think of, looking for her phone number. And that's when I finally find it. The number combination I've been looking for the past 2 hours. Why was it so damn hard to find it? I have no idea.

I type the number into my phone, before pressing the call button and putting the phone to my ear. It rings for a few seconds before someone picks up.

''Hello?'' a voice sounds from the phone. The voice definitely belongs to a girl, as it sounds American.

''Hi, is this Claire Redfield?'' I ask.

''Yes. Who's asking?'' she asks.

''I'm a close friend of Wanda Maximoff's. Are you familiar with that name?'' I ask. There are a few seconds of silence.

''Yes, of course. She's one of the Avengers.'' Claire replies.

''Yes, of course, but are you the Claire Redfield that was Wanda's friend multiple years ago?'' I ask. There are few more seconds of silence.

''Yes, why? Who are you?'' she asks.

''My name is Peter Parker. Wanda recently told me about you. The way she talked about you clearly said that she misses you.'' I say. She sighs.

''I'd be lying if I said I don't miss her too.'' she says ''What do I have to do?''

''How fast can you get to New York?'' I ask. There are few more seconds of silence.

''I can be there in about 3 hours.'' she says. I can't help it, as a smile makes its way to my face.

We talk for a few more minutes, arranging everything. We then agree to meet at a 24/7 Starbucks, tomorrow. We wish each other good night, before I hang up and place my phone back on the desk.

I sigh, as a wide smile makes its way to my face. In less than 24 hours, Wanda will see her best friend, after multiple years of not seeing her.

I leave my room, heading to the kitchen. I get myself another coffee, knowing that I will probably finish homework only after 12 AM.

I don't regret tracking down Claire, though.

It will be worth it.


So, how did you like this chapter? I personally really enjoyed writing it!

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See ya!

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