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Wanda's POV:

As I wake up and open my eyes, I'm greeted by the messy, brown hair of my boyfriend. His head is resting on my chest, as he's cuddled close to my side.

I can't help but smile, starting to run my right hand through his hair. My left arm is wrapped around his shoulders, as my left thumb is stroking his cheek.

"I like it when you do that." he mumbles in his morning voice. It's deeper and sounds a lot more... perfect.

"Good morning, Pete." I smile.

Yesterday, after Peter talked to his aunt, we went to their apartment. We all spent the night here, with me staying in Peter's room.

We didn't sleep in limited clothing or under the covers, though. I mean, not that I would have a problem with it if we did, but we only recently started dating and I don't know if he'd be comfortable with that.

"Morning." he mumbles, nuzzling his face into my chest. I smile and plant a kiss in his hair, as he hugs my waist.

"How did you sleep?" I ask.

"I've had better." he replies. I sigh, knowing that he's thinking about May. Then again, I would be surprised if he wasn't.

"Thank you for staying with me." he mumbles.

"Of course."

"Can we get up?" he asks.

"Why?" I whine, tightening my grip around him. I might be acting clingy, but I don't care. I just want to lay here with him, with no one bothering us.

"I want to give you something." he says. His hand then reaches under the bed, pulling out a rather wide, but slim velvet box. He then hands it to me, still keeping his head on my chest.

"What for?" I ask, taking the box from his hand.

"Because you deserve it." he says. I open the velvet box, revealing a gold necklace. It has 3 ruby hearts, as the middle one is slightly bigger.

"Oh, Pete." I smile, tightly hugging him. He chuckles and hugs back, before looking up at me. His eyes are still red from crying, as there are dried tear stains on his cheeks. I place the box down, wiping them away with my thumbs.

"Do you like it? I've been waiting for the right moment to give it to you. This may not be the most romantic moment, but oh well.." he says, making me smile.

"I love it, Pete. Thank you. How did you buy this? Tony?" I ask. He slightly shakes his head.

"No. These were my savings. I've been saving money since I was 11." he replies.

"But how much did it cost? I don't want you to spend your savings on me." I reply, as he just shrugs in response.

"Don't worry about the cost. And as I said," he looks at me again "you deserve it."

I don't know what to say, so I just lean in and press my lips against his.

There it is again, the amazing feeling of his lips, pressed against mine. The tickling feeling of his breath above my upper lip. It's amazing.

As the kiss breaks, I feel blood rush to my cheeks. He smiles, before settling next to me. He rests himself on his elbows, as he picks up the velvet box.

He takes out the necklace, unclapsing the chain. He then puts it around my neck, before clapsing the chain closed. He leans back and smiles.

"Even more beautiful, now."

That comment causes me to turn into a blushing mess, as he laughs and lays on top of me.

Natasha's POV:

I groan, as I wake up and open my eyes. I sit up, looking around the living room. I get off the couch, stretching my arms and walking to the kitchen.

No one is currently there, since the others are still sleeping. They're scattered around the living room of Peter's apartment.

As on que, Peter and Wanda walk in. Their hands are locked together, as Wanda is clinging to Peter's arm. I smile at the couple.

"Morning, Nat." Peter's cheerful voice greets. Wanda also greets me, and that's when I notice something different about her appearance.

There is a very beautiful gold necklace around her neck. I'm guessing that's a gift from Peter.

"Good morning, you 2." I smile "Nice necklace."

"Thank you." Wanda replies with a smile "It's a gift from Peter."

"It looks expensive. How did you buy it?" I ask, immediately wishing I would've formed the sentence differently. The last thing I want is to offend Peter by reminding him of his money situation.

He doesn't seem to be bothered by it, though.

"Savings." he simply replies.

"I can't get him to tell me how much did it cost." Wanda says.

"Because it doesn't matter. I just want to make you happy." Peter says, looking at her.

"You don't need to be buying me expensive jewerly to do that." Wanda replies.

I smile, listening to their conversation. I'm happy for both of them. They've both been through hell, and I love seeing how happy they make each other.

"Anyways," Peter says, once again interrupting my train of throughts "you want some breakfast?"


So, here's the 15 th chapter! We're about halfway through the story!

Votes and comments are appreciated!

See ya

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