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Peter's POV:

"May, I promise you this isn't a joke. I really do have a date." I say as I leave my room.

"How do I look?" I ask as May scans me with her eyes. I'm wearing a casual white T-Shirt with black slim jeans. She walks over to me, pulling me into a hug.

''You look very handsome. Let's hope it doesn't end up like last time.'' she says, referring to what happened with Liz. I shake my head.

''It's not. This is different. I can just feel it.'' I reply. She smiles and nods, planting a kiss in my hair.

''I'm glad. Now go, you don't want to be late.'' she says. I nod and kiss her cheek, before rushing out of the apartment. When I leave the building, I clip on my web-shooters to my wrists, before swinging away.

I stop by a flower shop, buying a single red rose. I swing to the park, landing a safe distance away from it, to avoid suspicion. I fix my clothes and walk to the park, feeling myself become more and more nervous. I wait for a few minutes before I see her walking towards me.

She's wearing a red, slim, long sleeve shirt, with a pair of black slim jeans. Her auburn hair is resting on her shoulders. I've been too busy looking at her, to notice that she has walked over to me.

''You look beautiful.'' I say. She visibly blushes, looking down.

''Thanks. You look pretty handsome, yourself.'' I smile, before handing her the rose. She mouths a shy 'Thank you.' and takes it from my hand.

''Ready?'' I ask. She nods, slipping her hand in mine. I smile and intertwine our fingers, as we start walking.

''What have you planned?'' she asks. I smile, as we leave the park. We head towards the row of apartment buildings.

''A surprise.'' I grin. She smiles and leans her head on my shoulder, as we walk further away from the park. That's when we stop.

''Are you okay with me, holding your waist?'' I ask.

''Um, yeah. Why?'' she asks, a slight blush covering her cheeks. I pull up one of my sleeves, revealing a web shooter. Her eyes widen in realization, as she looks at me.

''No. Absolutely not.'' she shakes her head.

''I promise, if you fall I will catch you. But that won't be necessary, since you won't fall. Do you trust me?'' I ask, holding out my hand. She looks at it for a few seconds, before sighing.

''Fine.'' she takes my hand. I wrap one of my arms around her waist, as her arms wrap around my shoulders. She wraps her legs around my hips, as I look at her.

''Ready?'' I ask. She nods, twirling the rose between her fingers. I nod and jump, shooting a web towards a building.

I can feel her grip tighten, whenever we get close to the ground. But we have no problems, arriving at our destination. We land on top of the One World Trade Center. The tallest building in New York.

Wanda releases me and stands on her feet before noticing the picnic I've set there. There is an orange/red blanket, laying on the ground. On top of it is a food basket, with plates and utensils next to it. There are also multiple pillows and blankets.

The best thing, though, is the clear view of the sunset.

Wanda looks shocked, as she slowly looks up at me. I'm nervously biting my lower lip, hoping she likes it.

''Do you like it?'' I ask. A smile makes its way on her face before she leans up and places and a soft kiss on my cheek.

''I love it.'' she replies, before walking towards the set picnic. I smile and follow her, feeling the warmth of her lips, still lingering on my cheek. We both sit down, laying our backs against multiple pillows.

We have our dinner, whilst talking about whatever comes to mind. We both share more of our past with each other, before laying a blanket over us. We continue to talk, whilst watching the beautiful sunset. Soon, the subject changes to our friends.

I tell her everything about Ned and MJ, telling a lot of what we've been through. She listens with a smile on her face, her head resting on my shoulder. I rest my head on hers, as I finish telling her about our adventures.

''Yeah, I remember I had a friend in 4th grade. I haven't seen her since the bombing. It would be nice to see her again.'' she says. I hum in response. That's when an idea crosses my mind.

''What's her name?'' I ask.

''Claire Redfield. She's about a year older than me.'' she replies, as I nod.

(A/N: If you recognize that name, I seriously love you.)

There are a few seconds of silence, before Wanda shifts from her position. She hugs my waist, before laying her head back on my shoulder. Not wanting to miss the opportunity, I wrap my arms around her. A small smile creeps on her face, as she closes her eyes.

''Can we stay like this, forever?'' she asks. I chuckle, knowing she's not being realistic.

''As much as I like laying here with you, just enjoying your company, we should head home. It's getting late.'' I say, checking the time on my phone.

''I guess, you're right.'' she sighs, releasing my waist and sitting up. We both stand up before I pack everything. I leave it at the side of the roof, before walking over to Wanda. She's twisting the rose between her fingers.

''I'll come to get the stuff later. Right now, I'm going to get you back to the compound.'' I say. She nods, before wrapping her arms around my shoulders. My arm wraps around her waist, as she locks her legs around my hips.

''You ready?'' I ask. She nods before I leap off the side of the building. I feel her tighten her grip, as we go into a free fall. I shoot a web towards a building, starting to swing towards the compound.

Claire Redfield, huh? I'll have to look into that.


So, here's Chapter 11! I hope you like it!

If you didn't know, Claire Redfield is one of the main characters/protagonists from the Resident Evil video game and movie franchises.

Votes and comments are appreciated!

See ya!

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