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So, I've decided to change up my update schedule, a bit.

I realized it isn't such a good idea to post on Saturdays, since I have pretty busy weekends and usually can't finish the chapters in time.

So, instead of posting on Wednesdays and Saturdays, I will be posting on Tuesdays and Fridays.

With that said - enjoy the chapter!


Peter's POV:

We enter the quinjet, as I feel myself getting more nervous. This is my first mission with the Avengers, and it doesn't seem like it's going to be an easy one.

I sit next to Wanda, fiddling with my hands. She must've noticed my nervousness because I feel her hand on my shoulder.

''Don't worry, alright? It's going to be fine. All we have to do is hit the Killian guy with a tranq dart and get him back to the compound.'' she says in a calm voice. I flash her a thankful smile, before getting comfortable in my seat.

We arrive at the center of New York only in a few minutes. The quinjet lands, as everyone stands up. I take a deep breath, before ordering my mask to come up and following everyone out of the quinjet.

The first thing we see is a burning building. Due to my enhanced hearing, I instantly hear about 6 voices inside.

''There are about 6 people inside the building.'' I say. Steve nods.

''You get them out. Wanda, Clint, you get the civilians out of the way. The rest of us find Killian.'' he says. I nod, before swinging off, towards the burning building. I jump through the window, instantly seeing a woman.

She's holding a baby to her chest, trying to keep it safe from the fire. The moment she sees me, her eyes lit up, and she stands up.

''Spider-Man. Thank god.'' she sighs. I nod and tell them to hold on, before swinging out the window. I place the woman on the ground, as she checks the baby. I don't waste any more time, as I enter the building.

''Karen, can you locate where they are?'' I say, referring to the people stuck inside the building.

''I am unable to locate their body heat, due to the temperature that surrounds us.'' she says. I sigh and go forwards, leaving the destroyed bedroom. I see 2 more kids, holding onto each other. I run over to them and crouch in front of them.

''Hey, guys. You have to hold on, okay? I'll get you out of here.'' I say. They nod, as I pick them up. I jump through a window and set them on the ground, before entering the building once again.

I walk around for a bit, trying to find the last 2. I check another room, to find a woman sitting in the corner. She's visibly crying, as I hurry over to her.

''Ma'am I'm going to ask you to hold on to me. I'll get you out of here.'' I say. She looks up and her eyes light up with hope.

''Spider-Man? B- But my kids. The twins?'' she asks in a shaky voice. I remember the boy and the girl that I already got out.

''They're already safe. Now, come on.'' I say. She nods and holds on to me, as I jump through a window. When I set her on the ground, the 2 kids run to her and pull her in a hug. I quickly enter the building again, looking for the last survivor.

It doesn't take long, for me to find a man. He's shirtless, standing in the middle of a room. A part of him looks familiar, but when he turns around, I instantly recognize him. Aldrich Killian.

''Hello, Spider-Man.'' he says, with a smirk. I don't manage to dodge, as a beam of fire throws me through a wall. I land on the concrete, outside. I cough and regain my breath, before placing my hand to my earpiece.

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