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I jump away from the crime scene, starting to swing back to the compound. While swinging, I pull out my phone and open Wanda's messages

Hey! I'm heading back. Wear something nice.

Wanda <3

I will. And don't text while swinging!

Love you too :)

I put away my phone and continue to swing in the compound's direction. It doesn't take longer than a few minutes for me to get it in my sight.

''Karen, tell Friday to open the window.'' I say. I see the window of my room open a couple of seconds later. I head for the window, jumping through it and crouching down to amortize the landing.

I stand up and hear the windows close behind me, as I double tap my chest. The Spider-Man suit forms back into the silver ring, as I walk over to my closet.

I strip out of my under armor suit and grab a towel, heading to the bathroom. I take a short, warm shower.

I use my new mint shampoo, doing an extra job to wash my hair. I know how much Wanda likes my hair, so I might as well spice it up for her.

After I get out of the shower, I dry myself and wrap the towel around my waist. I comb my hair back and use spray my deodorant.

I then leave the bathroom, heading back to my closet. I pick out a white button-up shirt, black jeans, old skool Vans, and a leather jacket.

I slip on my boxers and black socks, before slipping on my chosen outfit. I use my mint cologne, spraying it on my writs and rubbing them together.

I rub my wrists on my neck as well, expanding the minty smell of the cologne. I then grab my prepared bouquet of white roses, before leaving my room.

As I stand in front of Wanda's room, I take a deep breath and run my hand through my hair again. I then knock on the door.

I hear footsteps coming to the door before it swings open. It reveals Wanda standing there, in all of her beauty. it almost feels like she's glowing.

She's wearing a scarlet red long sleeve, knee-length dress. It hugs all of her right curves. Her bright red lipstick looks amazing, as I see a slight bit of makeup.

''Hey.'' I say.

''Hi. I feel like I'm so overdressed for the occasion.'' she says, burying her face in her hands.

''No, you're dressed perfectly. You look gorgeous. It's me that's underdressed.'' I say with a chuckle.

''Anyways, these are for you.'' I smile, handing her the bouquet of roses.

''Thank you.'' she smiles, grabbing them from my hands. She disappears into her room for a second, before showing back up without the roses.

''Shall we go, m'lady?'' I ask, doing a horrible British accent. I hold out my elbow and straighten my back, placing my other arm behind me.

She giggles, grabbing my elbow and intertwining our arms together. I smile at her, as she closes the door behind her.

''First stop, a very fancy restaurant that I might or might not have forgotten the name of.'' I say with a sheepish grin. She rolls her eyes but smiles, grabbing on tighter to my arm.

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