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Peter's POV:

We leave the elevator, heading to my room. I'm listening to Wanda, telling me about her first trip to Disneyland when she was 9.

I look at her, taking in her features. Excitement is written all across her face, as she's smiling. We enter my room, as I drop my duffel bag on the floor. I open my closet, starting to put my clothes in it.

Wanda sits on my bed, continuing to ramble about how she and her brother almost fell out of a roller coaster. I chuckle at her excitement, continuing to place my clothes in the closet.

''What?'' she asks, having heard my chuckle. I turn around, to see her looking at me, with a slight smile.

''Nothing. You just sound very excited.'' I say. She smiles, letting herself fall back on my bed. I get in a more comfortable position, resting my back against a wall.

''It's just difficult to believe, that only 4 years ago, I was sitting in my room, trying to get my brother to stop annoying me.'' she says. I move over and rest my back against the edge of the bed.

''I know. It's not easy to accept. But I like to think, that the trauma we go through, makes us the persons we are today. For example, if it wasn't for my uncle's death, I would be wasting my powers to wrestle for money.'' I say. She rests her body on her elbows, looking at me.

''What do you mean?''

''Well, when I first got my powers, I needed money. So I tried wrestling. I beat my opponent quicker than I was supposed to, so the organizer didn't pay me the promised sum. Soon after, he got robbed. I let my anger get the better of me and let the thief go, instead of stopping him. And he turned out to be the same guy who killed my uncle.'' I say, staring at the wall in front of me.

A few seconds pass until I feel the bed move and Wanda sits next to me, resting her back against the edge of the bed. She slips her hand in mine, in a comforting manner.

''I'm sorry.'' she says.

''Don't be.'' I reply ''It made me who I am, today.''

''Well, you turned out pretty damn good.'' she says. I flash her a smile, before crawling back to the duffel bag.



I land in my room, through the window. I double tap my ring finger, making the suit form back into the ring. I walk to the bathroom, slipping off the under armor suit. I step into the shower, turning on the water.

I let it run down the bruises I gained, during patrol. I wash myself, and by the time I step out of the shower, the bruises have almost healed. I quickly dry myself, before wrapping the towel around my waist and exiting the bathroom.

I slip on a pair of sweatpants and a science pun T-Shirt, before slipping on a pair of socks and leaving my room. I head to the living room, to be greeted with the sight of the team.

Clint and Sam are sitting on bean bags, playing Mario Cart. Tony and Steve are talking on the couch, whilst Natasha and Bruce are talking in the corner of the room. Vision is reading a book, as Wanda is looking at her phone.

''Hey.'' I say, dropping on a duffel bag, next to Sam and Clint ''Who's winning?''

''I'm destroying him.'' Sam snickers, seconds before Clint speeds past him.

''Can you repeat that?'' Clint smirks, entering the finish line.

''Damn it!'' Sam exclaims. I chuckle, as Clint passes me a controller.

''Wanna join?'' he asks. I nod, taking the controller from his hand. We join another game, as I get ready to destroy them both.

At the end of the game, the others are watching the intense game. Well, intense for them, since I have no problem leaving them in the dust. I cross the finish line, dropping the controller on the duffel bag.

''Boom!'' I exclaim.

''How?!'' Clint and Sam exclaim in unison. They've probably never been beaten by a 15-year-old.

''You got beat. Deal with it.'' Nat says with a smug grin. I copy the grin, placing my controller down and getting up.

''Sucks to suck.'' I smirk. The duo snap their heads towards me.

''Oh, you're going to pay for that.'' Clint says as they get up. But as they start running after me, I'm already out of the living room. I continue to run, laughing.

I quickly stick to the ceiling and wait for them to run past me. I then sneak back into the living room, still sticking to the ceiling. I quietly drop to the ground, turning around. The others are looking at me with grins plastered across their faces.

''And that's how you get rid of 2 brainless birds.'' I say. With that, everyone bursts out laughing. I can't help but laugh myself, as I see the 2 enter the living room.

''There you are!'' Sam exclaims. I want to run away, but I was too busy laughing since they manage to tackle me to the floor. A few minutes pass, until the laughing fit stops. So we all just sit there, panting.

''Well, that was fun.'' I sigh, rolling over and getting up. I walk over to the couch and let myself flop down, closing my eyes.

''You look tired.'' Natasha states. I open my eyes to look at her.

''Yeah, well. Patrol was pretty exhausting.''


So, here's the 5th chapter! I hope you like it!

Votes and comments are greatly appreciated!

See ya!

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