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Peter's POV:

I knock on the door, hearing shuffling inside. I fix my tux and run my hand through my hair. The door then opens, revealing a breathtaking look.

Wanda, dressed in a slim red dress, that stops right below her knees with a pair of red high heels. The dress hugs all of her exact right curves, as I can see a bit of makeup on her face. She's letting her red hair hang behind her shoulders.

''Hi.'' she says with a small blush.

''Hey. You look absolutely gorgeous.'' I say with a smile. Her blush increases, as she desperately tries to cover her face with her hands.

''Thank you.'' she says, shyly.

''Here.'' I say, handing her a single rose. She smiles and takes it from my hand, turning to place it on a cupboard.

''Shall we go?'' I ask, holding out my hand. She smiles and places her hand in mine, pecking my cheek.

''Yes.'' we make our way to the elevator, hand in hand. We go down to the first floor, as I lead her through the back exit.

Happy is there, waiting my his car with the back doors open. We walk to the car and I let her get in first, being a gentleman.

After I get in the car, Happy closes the door and goes around to the driver's seat. The barrier is already rolled up, so we have our privacy. At least for a bit.

''I'm so excited.'' she says with a smile. I smile as well, looking at her.

''I am too. I really hope this dance goes better than last time.'' I say. She giggles, remembering the story about my first ever homecoming dance. Yeah, the one where I bailed on my date and fought her dad on a plane.

We soon get to my school, as I can see party lights shining out through the sports hall windows. I get out of the car first, offering my hand to Wanda.

She takes my hand and I help her out of the car, before slamming the door shut. We thank Happy for the ride and head towards the school.

''So this is your school?'' she asks, looking around.

''Yeah. Nothing much. C'mon, the hall is this way.'' I say, as our hands are still locked.

''Can you show me your locker?'' she asks. I shrug and nod in response.

''Yeah, I guess.'' I reply. I lead us to my locker and enter the combination, opening the door. The first thing her eyes notice is the inside of the door, plaster with multiple pictures of her.

In some of the pictures, she's alone, but in some, I'm with her. I see her smile, as her eyes scan the pictures.

''There really isn't much to see here. It's just a locker. Nothing special.'' I say.

''Well yeah, but I haven't stepped a foot inside of a school for more than 5 years now. This is the first time I've been inside a school, since the Sokovia bombing.

''I'm sorry.'' I say, apologetically. She shakes her head and looks at me.

''Don't. C'mon, let's just go and have fun.'' she says. I nod in response and lock my locker, before leading her to the sports hall.

As we approach the hall, the music gets louder and louder. Though when we finally reach the hall, we can hear the music on full blast. My enhanced hearing is really unnecessary, right now.

I groan, shutting my eyes and placing my free hand to my ear to try and deafen the sound a little. Wanda notices this and gives my hand a comforting squeeze.

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