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Peter's POV:

I enter Mr. Harrington's class and sit down in my usual spot next to Ned. We do our handshake, just as Mr. Harrington starts talking.

''So, guys. I have some news!'' he says. Shit, the last time he said that I had to bring a parent to school. What's it this time?

''As you all might remember, earlier this year we had the usual yearly homecoming dance. We're doing something similar next month.'' he says. All right, this might not be so bad.

''The school is hosting a prom. And before you ask, yes, you are allowed to take someone who doesn't attend this school.'' Mr. Harrington continues. Well, that answers my only question.

''And of course, there will be a prom king and queen determined on the night of the dance.'' he says. 

After that I kinda zoned out. I'm not sure why the school is hosting another dance, but I can't say I'm complaining. This is my chance to take Wanda out.

We've never been to a dance together, and I feel like this would be a good first experience for her. For the both of us, actually. The last homecoming dance didn't exactly go perfectly.


I thank Happy for the ride and get out of his car. I make my way to the compound, walking to the elevator and going up to the Penthouse.

I make my way to my room, closing the door behind me. I drop my bag to the floor and pull out my Biology books.

I open my laptop and start working on my homework for tomorrow. We have an upcoming project about central nervous systems and brain functions, and the presentation has to have at least 15 slides.

This is going to be fun.

I use the information from the books and use it in my presentation. That's easy, the difficult part is to split all of the information into 15 informative slides.

That one took me more than an hour. I had to figure out which information goes under which subtitle. And I had to split a shit ton of sentences into 2 or even 3 parts. But thank god I got it over with.

After another hour I'm finally done with all of my homework. I close my laptop and books, and stretch, standing up from my chair.

I leave my room and head to the kitchen for a snack. I'm really craving something right now. As I reach the living room, I greet the others and walk to the kitchen.

I open the candy cupboard, the sour gummy worms catching my eye. I grab 3 packs of those and a few more packs of Skittles. I grab 2 bottles of Fanta, before closing the cupboard and leaving the room.

I make my way to Wanda's room, knocking a few times. I hear shuffling inside and a few seconds later the door opens.

I see Wanda, dressed in a pair of grey sweatpants and one of my black hoodies. The neck of her red T-Shirt can be seen below her neck.

''Hey.'' she smiles. Her eyes travel down to the snacks in my hand, before moving back up to my face.

''Hi.'' I reply. She steps aside to let me inside, closing the door behind me. I drop the packs of candy on the bed, placing down the 2 bottles of Fanta.

''I see you brought some snacks. Is there a reason?'' she asks. I look at her.

''I want cuddles, a Kingsman marathon, and company. But that kinda brings me back to the cuddles.'' I say with a grin. She smiles and walks over to me, jumping on the bed. I smile and lay next to her, pulling the packs of candy between us.

I wrap my arm around her shoulders, as she places her head on my shoulder. She grabs the remote and turns on the TV, opening the owned movies list.

She puts on Kingsman: The Secret Service and cuddles closer to my chest. I tighten my grip around her, as she opens the first pack of Skittles.


''It sucks that they killed off Roxy. I think she and Eggsy would've made a cute couple.'' she says, taking a sip of the almost empty Fanta bottle. The other one is already finished, as all the empty candy packs are scattered around the bed.

''I agree. Even though if they didn't kill her off, I don't think they would have gotten together. But I guess you never know.'' I reply. She shrugs and nods, sitting up. I do the same, as we look at the mess on the bed.

''We should probably clean this up.'' I say with a chuckle. She smiles, as we both get out of the bed. She grabs some of the empty candy packs, as I finish the Fanta.

I grab the remaining packs and bottles, throwing everything in the trash. I then look at the time, to see it's already almost midnight. And I have school tomorrow.

''I should probably head to bed. I have school tomorrow.'' I say, voicing my thoughts ''Goodnight, love you.''

I'm about to turn around to leave, but she grabs my arm and leans up to kiss me. I smile and happily return the kiss, placing one of my hands behind the neck. the other is on her lower back.

''Stay here again?'' she asks.

''I'll have to set an alarm. I might accidentally wake you.'' I say. Not that I don't want to spend the night, but the beauty needs her sleep.

''That's fine. I just feel safer in your arms.'' she says with a small blush lingering on her cheeks. I nod and slip off my T-Shirt, dropping in on one of her bean bags.

We get back in the bed, just after she takes off her hoodie. I lay on my back, as she lays next to me. I wrap my arms tightly around her, as she moves her head so it's resting on my chest.

''Friday, kill the lights, please.'' I say. The lights click off and the blinds close, as get comfortable in the bed.

''Goodnight.'' I say, quietly.

''Goodnight, baby. I love you.''

''I love you, too.'' I reply, closing my eyes. And conveniently, at this exact moment, the prom pops up in my mind, I completely forgot about it.

Eh, I'll just ask her tomorrow. I have time.


Thanks to Matthorseman for the idea of the prom!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! The story is coming off to an end, so in the next or last chapter, I'll post the cover of my next story.

Thanks for reading!

See ya!

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