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Before I start this chapter, I want to apologize, since I had to post this yesterday.

I've recently been behind on both my stories, but it doesn't mean I'm going to stop posting. I'm not going to give up on my stories.

With that said - enjoy!


Peter's POV:

''Alright, Pete. I'm leaving. I'll see you in the evening! Love you!'' Aunt May calls out, opening the apartment door.

''Bye, May! See you! Love you, too!'' I reply. She smiles, before leaving the apartment and closing the door.

I go to my room, pulling out my under armor suit. I quickly slip it on, before double-tapping the ring that's on my finger.

I feel the nanotech suit form around my body before I open my window. I crawl out, closing the window and swinging away.


I crawl back through my window, closing it with my foot. I land on the ground, wincing from the pain. I look down, inspecting the bleeding bruise that's on my knee. I quickly make the suit form back into the ring, before changing out of my under armor suit.

I slip on a white T-Shirt and shorts. I leave my room, limping towards the bathroom. I grab a first aid kit, sitting on the couch. I start to clean the wound, wincing every few seconds. It's not a pleasant feeling.

Just as I finish cleaning the wound, it has already started healing. I place the first aid kit back in the bathroom, just before there's a knock on the apartment door. Knowing it's not May, I limp over to the door and pull it open. I'm surprised, to say the least.

''Hey, guys. What are you doing here?'' I ask, letting the Avengers enter the apartment. Some of them squeeze on the couch, as the rest sit on kitchen chairs.

''Hey, Pete. We came to check up on you. And to give you some news.'' Tony says. I nod, motioning for him to continue.

''I talked to Fury. Your mistake at the last mission isn't the full reason he doesn't want you on the team.'' he says ''The real reason, is because he doesn't like your style.''

''What do you mean?'' I ask, leaning against the counter.

''He doesn't like the way you fight. The way you taunt your opponents.'' he says. I nod, suppressing a sigh.

''But we're going to do everything we can to convince him.'' he adds. I nod again, flashing him a thankful smile.

''Thanks. I appreciated it.'' I reply. There are a few seconds of silence before I speak up.

''So, since you're here, can I get you anything? We don't have many options, but there is some coffee. I can whip up something to eat, as well. That's if you want.'' I say. A few of them shake their heads, as the others agree.

I get coffee for Tony and Natasha, as Bucky, Wanda, and Clint agreed for pancakes. I wash my hands and get to work, as they sip their coffee. Those who have one, anyways.

It doesn't take long before the pancakes are finished. I leave some for May and me, for dinner, before handing them their plates. As they take the first bite out of the pancakes, their faces light up.

''Damn, this is good!'' Clint exclaims as the others nod.

''Where'd you learn to cook?'' Wanda asks.

''I make myself lunch and dinner when my aunt is working. She usually is at work for most of the day.'' I reply.

''Talking about your unusually attractive aunt. Where is she?'' Tony asks. I shoot him a death glare, before answering.

''Working, as usual.'' I reply. They all nod, as Tony and Natasha finish their coffees. We continue to have multiple conversations before the trio finishes their pancakes. It didn't take long.

''That was good. Thank you, Peter.'' Bucky says. I smile and nod, as everyone stands up.

''I think we should be going.'' Steve says ''It was nice to see you, Pete.''

''You, too.'' I smile. They each give me hugs, before starting to head to the exit. That's when something pops into my mind.

''Hey, Wanda. Can I talk to you?'' I say, the last part being silent. But it seems like she heard it, as she nods and motions for the others to go. They leave, as she comes over and sits next to me.

''What's up?'' she asks, already knowing why I want to talk to her. At least, I think so.

''I just wanted to ask you about.. what happened before I left the compound.'' I say. She looks down, as her cheeks turn slightly pink. I notice the smile on her face, though. She doesn't say anything, so I take that as a sign to continue.

''I just want to know, if it really meant something.'' I say, getting more nervous by every word. If this goes as planned, I will be the happiest human being that's ever lived. I'm not overexaggerating.

(A/N: How do people use that word on daily basis? I had a struggle trying to figure out how to spell it.)

''For me, it meant the world.'' she says, with a small smile. She then looks up, her bright emerald eyes, meeting mine. The next thing I know, I lean in and press my lips against her soft ones. I feel her kiss back, as she moves to my lap.

That allows me to wrap my arms around her waist, as I feel her arms around my neck. Her hands are tangled in my hair, as the kiss slowly breaks. Our foreheads are resting together, as a small, adorable giggle leaves her mouth.

''Wanda, would you like to go out with me?'' I ask, as one of my hands is running through her hair. Her smile widens, as she nods.

''Absolutely.'' she replies, pulling me into a hug. I hug her back, pressing a kiss to her temple. She lays her head on my shoulder, as we stay in that position.

''You know, the others are waiting for you.'' I say. She sighs and nods, releasing me from the hug and standing up. I walk her to the door, opening it for her. She smiles and walks through, looking at me one more time.

''Tomorrow, at 7? We can meet at the park.'' I ask. She nods, before placing a soft kiss on my cheek and turning around. I watch her leave, before closing the door. I rest my back against it, letting myself slide down.

Did that really just happen?


So, here's the 10th chapter! I hope you like it!

Votes and comments are appreciated!

See ya!

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