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Peter's POV:

I sigh, as I enter the school. My backpack is thrown over my shoulder, as I walk to my locker.

While May was in the hospital, I came to school exactly 2 times. So I have missed about 2 weeks.

But it's not gonna be hard to catch up. I can probably do the work I missed in about 2-3 hours.

I place my bag in my locker, grabbing the books I need for my first period. That's when Ned comes up to me, from behind.

''Hey, man! How've you been?'' he asks. I lock my locker, turning to face him.

''Hey, Ned. I'm fine, I guess. May's finally out of the hospital.'' I reply as we start to walk to our first class.

''I'm glad to hear that.'' he smiles ''By the way, can I come over later? I just got the Millennium Falcon LEGO set.''

''Actually?'' I ask, excitedly. He nods with a smile ''That's insane. How many pieces?''

''7541. It's the biggest one.'' he replies ''So, can I come over?''

''I moved back to the compound. I can ask Tony if that's okay.'' I reply. He nods, as I pull out my phone. I check the time, to see that I have time to make the call now.

I click on Tony's number, placing the phone to my ear.

''The Godfather?'' Ned asks, seeing the name that Tony's under, in my contacts. I give him a sheepish grin.

''He can't stand the name.'' I reply. Just then Tony picks up.

''Hey, Pete. What's up?''

''Hey. Umm.. I was wondering if my friend could come over, after school? Ned?'' I ask.

''Yeah, sure. I'd like to meet him.'' he replies.

''Great, thanks! See you after school.'' I say, before hanging up. I slip my phone back into my pocket.

''So?'' Ned asks, impatiently.

''He's fine with it.''


As we leave the school, I head to the back of the school. Ned and I are talking about the Millennium Falcon, as we get in Happy's car.

''Hey, Happy. This is Ned. Can we stop by his house on the way to the Compound?'' I ask. Happy grunts, but replies with a simple 'yes'. Ned gives him the address, as Happy rolls up the barrier.

''He doesn't look that pleased.'' Ned whispers to me, making me suppress a chuckle.

''He's just like that. Don't stress it.'' I reply. He nods, as we buckle up.

We stop by at Ned's house, as he runs in and gets the LEGO set. When he comes back, he climbs into the car and we head to the Compound. Ned and I fanboy over the set the whole way there.

When we finally stop in the garage, Ned opens the door, getting out of the car. I place my hand on top of the LEGO box, using my sticky fingers to lift it up. When we get out, I hand the set to Ned, who happily takes it.

We enter the compound, as I walk to one of the receptionists. I recognize her as Gwen Stacy. The compound staff knows me as Tony Stark's personal intern since I needed an excuse to be in the Compound so often.'

''Hey, Gwen.'' I say, walking over to her ''Can I get a guest pass? My friend is visiting.'' I ask.

''Sure.'' she says, getting a guest pass from behind the counter. she hands it to me and I thank her, before walking back to Ned. We make our way to the elevator, going up to the Penthouse. As we step out, we head to my room.

''You can drop off the set in my room. Then you can meet the Avengers.'' I say. He nods, as we reach my room. We enter my room, as I drop my bag to the floor. He places down the LEGO set and starts looking around.

''This is your room? It's so cool!'' he says, excitedly.

''Thanks.'' I grin. We then leave my room, heading to the living room. As we enter, the others are scattered around the living room.

''Hey, guys. This is my best friend, basically brother, Ned.'' I say ''And Ned, these are the Avengers.''

''Hi.'' is all he says, extremely nervously.

''Hi, Ned.'' Steve says, walking over to us. He shakes Ned's hand, as that guy is still in complete shock.

''You're Captain America.'' he says. Steve nods with a smile ''I am.''

The others greet him as well, as Ned just stands there the whole time. The shock never leaves his face for a second. Wanda is the last on, as she walks up to us.

''Hey, Ned. Peter has told me about you.'' she smiles, shaking his hand ''Um, yeah, He's told me about you, too.''

''I'm glad to hear that.'' Wanda says, smiling at me. I smile back, as she stands next to me. She places a kiss on my cheek, as I wrap my arm around her.

''You guys are so cute.'' Ned says. We both blush, as I look down. I see Wanda smiling lightly, while also looking down. 

''Hey, Ned. Why don't we go to my room and get started with the Falcon?'' I ask as he nods for an answer.

''Wait, what?'' Sam perks up at the mention of the word 'Falcon'.

''Nothing! Keep your eyes on Mario Cart. Clint just passed you, by the way.'' I say. His eyes immediately dart back to the screen.

''C'mon, let's go.'' I say, planting a kiss on Wanda's cheek and heading to the door with Ned. I look back at Wanda.

''I'll see you soon.'' I say. She smiles and nods, heading for the couch.


''There's no way we'll finish this today.'' Ned says, continuing to build his part. I keep building mine while giving the answer.

''I never expected us to.'' I reply ''I googled the average build time for this and it said that 15 hours is a quick build. We've been at his for 4.'' I say. I glace at the time to see it's 9:41 PM.

''Oh, shit. We have! I should probably head home.'' he says ''I can leave it here and come back tomorrow if that's okay.''

''That's fine.'' I say, standing up. I stretch, feeling my tense muscles relax.

''Just don't continue without me.'' he says with a grin. I chuckle, shaking my head.

Ned takes his bag and pulls on his shoes, leaving the room. I accompany him to the elevator, handing him his guest pass.

''Give this to a receptionist. Tony said he'll get you a higher level pass, so you won't need this anymore.

''Alright.'' he replies. We bro-hug before he steps in the elevator and the doors close.

''I like him.'' a thick Sokovian accented voice says. She knows how much I love her accent. I feel a pair of arms hug me from behind, as I lay my head back on her shoulder.

''You like him, or like, like him?'' I ask with a grin.

''You know what I meant, Pete.'' she says with a smile, this time with her regular American accent ''He's a good friend of yours.''

''A brother.'' I smile. She kisses my cheek, as I turn around in her arms. I look into her gorgeous green eyes for a second, before leaning down to kiss her.

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