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Peter's POV:

I wake up with a groan. I realize I'm laying on the couch, with an unfamiliar weight on my shoulder. I look down and smile when I see Wanda's head resting on my shoulder.

I slip out from under her and cover her with a blanket, before heading to my room. I grab my towel and head to the bathroom.

I quickly take a shower, before drying myself and slipping on a pair of boxers. I slip on a T-Shirt and a pair of black jeans.

I then put on a pair of black socks and shoes, before leaving my room. I head to the kitchen, to see everyone, except Wanda, sitting at the table.

"Mornin." I greet. Everyone looks up from their breakfast.

"Morning, Pete. Where are you going? You're dressed like you're going out." Tony says. I get myself a cup of coffee, before sitting at the table.

"I'm going to go and visit my aunt. She's probably going to want to know everything about the compound." I reply, starting to sip my coffee.

''Don't you want some breakfast?'' he asks. I shake my head.

''I'm going to eat breakfast with her.'' I reply. They nod and continue eating.

I quickly finish my cup of coffee, before standing up and walking over to the sink. I place down the mug and head to the exit of the kitchen.

''Bye! See you all in a few hours.'' I wave, before leaving the kitchen. Just as I start to head to the elevator, I accidentally bump into someone.

''Sorry.'' I quickly apologize. I'm about to continue heading to the elevator, but a somewhat familiar voice stops me.

Wanda's POV:

I'm walking to the kitchen, thinking of what to do today. It's Saturday and I don't have anything planned. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I accidentally bump into someone.

''Sorry.'' they quickly apologize, continuing to head in the direction of the elevator. It takes me a second to realize who is the owner of that voice.

''Pete?'' I ask, turning around. He turns to look at me, and only then I notice his outfit. He looks rather handsome.

''Oh, hey Wanda.'' he smiles. I feel kind of awkward, since I'm in a pair of sweatpants and a T-Shirt, while he's dressed like going out.

''Where're you going?'' I ask. He pulls up one of his sleeves, revealing a web shooter.

''I'm going to my aunt's for breakfast. She's most likely going to want to know everything about the compound.'' he replies. I nod, as an idea makes its way into my mind.

''Can I come with you? I want to meet her. From what you've told us, she sounds like a nice woman.'' I ask, hoping he would agree. He just shrugs and nods.

''Sure, if you want to.'' he replies, making a smile form on my face.

''I'll go get ready. I'll meet you here in about 20 minutes.'' I say. He nods, before pulling out his phone and leaning against a wall.

''Take all the time you need.'' he says. I nod and quickly make my way to my room. I take a quick shower, before drying my hair, brushing my teeth, and choosing an appropriate outfit.

''Friday, if anyone asks, tell them I went with Peter to meet his aunt.'' I say, leaving my room.

''Will do, Ms. Maximoff.'' the A.I. replies. I nod, as I walk over to Peter.

''I'm ready to go.'' I say. He looks up at me, slipping his phone in his pocket.

''You look great.'' he says, as we make our way to the elevator. A small blush makes its way on my face, as the elevator doors close and it starts moving.

''Thank you. You don't look so bad, yourself.'' I reply, in a shy voice.

''Thanks.'' a small smile crosses his lips, as the elevator stops and the doors open. We step out of the elevator, walking to the edge of the roof.

''So, uh, in order for us to swing there, I would need to hold you. But if that's out of your comfort zone...'' he says, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. I smile and shake my head.

''It's fine.'' I reply. And honestly, it's more than fine. It's perfect. I met him just 2 days ago, but I love spending time with him. It feels like I've known him longer than just 2 days.

We have a lot in common, and we both love the same movie franchises. Our favorites are Star Wars and Harry Potter. He also recommended to try Kingsman, since I've never seen it. We agreed to watch it together, sometime.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts, as one of his arms wrap around my waist, pulling me close and causing a blush to appear on my cheeks.

''Ready?'' he asks. I nod, wrapping my arms tightly around him. He then jumps off the edge of the building, shooting a web towards a tree. A rush of adrenaline enters my body, as I tighten my grip around him.

We swing towards the city, as I try not to scream. But my efforts are useless when he decides to do a backflip in the air. I hear him laugh, as I bury my head in his chest.

I will get him back for this. Mark my words.

It feels like it's been an hour when it probably been like 15 minutes. I feel relief wash over my body when my feet touch the ground. I'm hesitant to let go of Peter since I feel safe with him, but I decide to let him go.

We landed in an alleyway, probably so no one sees us landing from the sky. We fix our hair and clothes and leave the alleyway. Peter opens the door to the building, letting me go first. I smile at his manners, before entering the building.


So, here's the 3rd chapter! I hope you like it!

Votes and comments are appreciated! Feel free to leave your ideas in the comments!

See ya!

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