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Peter's POV:

I wake up and roll over. I open my eyes and look at the time. 09:21.

I climb out of my bed and walk to the bathroom. After I've taken a shower, I take out some comfortable clothes from the filled closet.

I put them on and slip on my ring, before leaving my room and heading to the kitchen. When I enter, I see everyone already there, waiting for Steve to finish breakfast.

"Morning." I mumble, sitting down at the table.

"Good morning, Peter. How was your first night here?" Steve asks, with a smile.

"It was good. I have to say, you've got some really comfortable beds." I mumble, still not fully awake. A few of them chuckle.

"Peter, what do you usually do on a Saturday?" Tony asks, taking a sip of his coffee.

"I usually do my homework for the next week, and then I go on patrol." I reply, now more awake.

Everyone else sits down at the table, as Steve serves everyone the pancakes.

"So, Peter." Tony starts, making me look up at him.

"Mmm?" I reply, my mouth filled with pancakes.

"Tell us about yourself." Natasha says, taking a bite. Everyone looks at me, including Vision who is sitting on the couch.

"What do you want to know?" I ask, swallowing the last of the pancake.

"Where're you from? What school do you go to?" she asks.

"I'm from Queens. I lived there, well, until now. I go to Midtown School of Science and Technology." I reply.

"Any hobbies?" Wanda asks

"Science and engineering." I reply.

"How did you get your powers, if I may ask?" Vision asks, slowly walking towards us.

"When I was 14, my science class had a field trip to Oscorp. Back then they were doing cross-species genetics and one of the radioactive spiders had escaped. I got bitten by it. The reason I didn't die is because the spider DNA was combined with my dad's DNA." I explain. I see everyone looking at me with interest plastered across their faces.

They asked me more questions about Spider-Man, about my past life, about my parents, and more. After I've finished the breakfast I take my plate and walk to the sink, starting to wash it.

"Hey, kid. We have a dishwasher! You can leave your plate in the sink." Steve says, making me look at him.

"Alright. Thanks, for the breakfast!" I smile, drying my hands and walking to my room. I sit at the desk and open my laptop, starting on my homework.


More than an hour has passed, and I just finished the last of my homework. I close my laptop and stand up, stretching. I then walk to my closet and take out an under armor suit. Tony got this for me, so I'm more comfortable in my new Spider-Man suit.

I put on the suit and open a window. I double-tap the ring, making the suit from around me.

''Friday?'' I ask.

''Yes, Mr. Parker?'' the A.I. replies.

''Please, call me Peter. And can you tell the others, I'm now leaving for patrol?'' I ask.

''Okay, Peter. They have been informed.'' she replies. I smile and crouch on the edge of the window, ready to leave. I'm about to jump off when I hear Friday's voice.

''They wish you good luck.'' she says, making me grin.

''Thanks.'' I reply, just before jumping out of the window and starting to swing towards New York.


Wanda's POV:

It has been a few hours since Peter left. I don't know why, but I've been starting to get fond of him. I don't usually like people so quickly, but he's different. I love his bright personality, his doe brown eyes, and his brown curly hair. And his face is just.. adorable.

My thoughts are interrupted by a voice.

''Hey.'' I look up to see Peter, walking into the living room. His hair is wet, meaning he just took a shower. I'm internally screaming. His wet hair makes his face look very handsome.

''Hey, Pete.'' I smile, before turning back to my phone.

"You have any plans for today?" he asks, pouring himself a glass of water. I turn off my phone and slip it into my pocket, looking at him.

"No, why?" I ask. He shrugs and finishes drinking the water.

"I'm just bored." he replies. I nod and look at the TV.

"We can watch a movie." I suggest.

"Sure." he replies, with a shrug. He walks over to the couch and sits next to me.

"What movie?" I ask. He looks at the TV and shrugs.

"I really don't mind anything." he replies, laying his head back.

"You look exhausted." I state, putting on the first Kingsman movie.

"I'd be lying if I said that I'm not." he replies, closing his eyes. I nod and focus my attention on the TV.

Roughly a few minutes later, I can hear soft snoring coming from him. I smile and glance at him.

His head is turned towards me, as a strand of hair has fallen in front of his eyes. I softly use my finger, to push it away.

I focus my attention back to the TV. But only a few minutes later, I feel his head fall on my shoulder.

A blush appears on my cheeks, as I feel my stomach fill with butterflies. I look at him, to see his face nuzzled in my shoulder.

God, he's so adorable.

I smile and continue watching the movie. I can feel his wet hair pressing against the side of my neck. I seriously wish I'd never have to leave this position.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts, as I hear footsteps approaching. I look up, to see Tony enter the room.

He walks in, instantly noticing us. A wide smirk spreads across his face, as I try to hide my blush.

"Friday, capture this." he whispers. I roll my eyes.

"Photo added to the library." Friday's voice silently replies. Tony nods, before smirking at me and walking to the kitchen.

I glance at Peter and smile at his sleeping face.


Hey! So here's another one! I hope you like it!

Votes and comments are appreciated!

See ya!

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