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Peter's POV:

After my little outburst at Flash, yesterday, I really don't want to go to school. A beatdown for me is guaranteed sooner or later.

Besides that, May told me that she's taking double shifts exactly on career day. And that's a heavy mood killer. So I'll be the only one who will show up alone.

I walk into the kitchen, placing my bag on the floor by the couch. I say my good morning's and make myself a bowl of cereal, sitting down.

I start to eat my cereal, as Wanda sits next to me. I smile at her, but she seems to see right through it.

''What's wrong?'' she asks. I shake my head, scooping up another spoon of cereal.

''Nothing, why?'' I say, continuing to eat. She raises her eyebrow, as I sigh. I quickly chew down the breakfast, before looking down at my hands.

''Next week is career day, and I'm supposed to bring a parent or a guardian to school.'' I say, quietly. Though I know everyone else that's in the room is listening.

''May is working double shifts, so I'm gonna be the only one who'll show up alone.'' I say. In the corner of my eye, I see her soft expression looking at me.

''That's not a problem.'' Tony says, sitting opposite of me ''I'll go.''


''I'll go.'' he repeats.

''No, I heard. I'm just surprised.'' I say.

''I don't think that's a good idea. For all they're concerned, you're my boss.'' I say. He just shrugs, taking a sip of his coffee.

''We can just say I'm your mentor. Besides, whatever our cover story is, they're certainly not going to kick me out.'' Tony says. He's got a point there. Tony Stark visiting your school is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

''Well, in that case, the cover story wouldn't exactly be a lie.'' I say, looking back down ''I do kind of see you as a mentor.''

''I'm glad.'' he says. I look up, to see a small smile plastered across his face. I mirror it before he looks at his watch.

''Now that's settled, you should go. Happy's waiting for you.'' he says.

''Could you call him off? I feel like swinging to school. Helps clear my head.'' I say. He nods, before starting to type something on his phone.

''You know, if you need to clear your head, I'm always happy to help.'' Wanda says, playing with the back of my hair. I smile at her and kiss her cheek.

''Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. No pun intended.'' I say. She smiles, as I quickly finish my breakfast.

After I'm finished I peck Wanda's lips and grab my bag, walking to the window I just ordered Friday to open. I press my wrists together, making my watch turn into a pair of black web-shooters. Oh, yeah, I recently did some upgrades.

''See y'all soon.'' I say, tightening the straps on my backpack and letting myself fall off the edge. I shoot a web to a building, starting to swing towards Midtown High.


The final bell rings, as I pack my bag and dash out of the classroom. I purposely didn't put it in my locker today, to avoid Flash and get out of the school as soon as possible.

I run to the exit of the school, but somehow he and his friends are already waiting for me there. I swear, he has some teleportation powers or some shit.

''Parker! Come here, I want to have a word with you.'' he calls out with a smirk on his face. I try to go in the opposite direction, but one of his friends is walking towards me. I'm cornered.

''Come on, Parker. I have something to show you.'' Flash's voice sounds behind me. I sigh and nod, knowing I can't get out of here without using my powers. I walk with him and his friends, as they all keep looking at me to make sure I don't run.

When we enter an alley not far from the school, I'm immediately pushed to the ground. My bag slips off my shoulders, as Flash brings me up and roughly pushes me against the wall.

''Who's the tough guy now, huh?'' he says, punching my stomach. I slide to the ground, as he kicks my abdomen.

''Don't you ever stand up to me like that, again!'' he says, continuing to kick me ''You got that?!''

His friends join in, as I get multiple kicks to the face. I keep groaning in pain, as I feel their attacks all over my body. I cover my head with my arms, but a strong kick to the crotch makes me let out a loud groan, as I roll over.

They're not done, though.

Now my back is turned to them, as they start kicking my back. some kicks also land on the back of my head. I have no idea for how long this went on. All I know, my body is in pain. After god knows how long, the kicks finally stop.

''This will teach you a lesson.'' he says. He grabs my bag, throwing it in a dumpster. The group of so-called 'friends' laugh as they walk away. I groan, as I try to get back on my feet, but every single part of my body is in pain.

I manage to get my bag back from the dumpster, scrunching my nose at the disgusting smell. I then start to limp towards the school, as I see Happy waiting at the entrance. I curse under my breath, as I pull on my hood.

''C'mon, let's go.'' I say, hiding my face. He turns to me with a worried look.

''Where were you? And what happened to your face?'' he asks, worriedly. Heh, I knew he cares.

''Not here.'' I say. He nods, as we make our way to the car. He keeps throwing worried glances at me. I get in the back of the car, as he gets in front. He rolls down the barrier, turning around to look at me.

''What happened?'' he asks.

''I tripped and fell down the stairs.'' I lie. He's not buying it, though.

''The truth.'' he says. I sigh and tell him what happened. There is anger in his eyes, as he pulls out his phone.

''No, please don't tell Tony! This will heal in a few hours, I don't want them to worry.'' I say. He sighs and nods, putting away his phone and starting the car.

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