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So this chapter is kinda cheesy, but I wanted to make a fluff chapter between the couple, so here you go.

Well, basically all of the chapters are fluff, but you'll see what I mean.



Wanda's POV:

It's been a week, since May got into that car crash. Peter has refused to move back to the compound until she's released from the hospital.

The doctors say that she's fine and will be coming home in the next 2-3 weeks.

Me and Peter have been staying at Peter's apartment, while the others are back at the compound. It was a very, very long talk, but we convinced them that we can stay here on our own.

Peter and I are currently watching TV. He really loves the Star Wars franchise, so I thought I'd give it a try. For him. And it's actually not so bad.

"Pete?" I ask, pausing the movie. He turns his head to look at me.


I just lean over and press my lips to his, taking him by surprise. It takes him a moment to react, but he wraps his arms around my waist. I smile against his lips, as I get on top of him.

My hands tangle in his hair, as I press my lips closer to his, if that's even possible. I've gotten so into it, I'm disappointed when he pulls away.

''Well, that came out of nowhere.'' he smiles. I scrunch my nose, knowing he finds it cute. I feel him melt in my arms, as he kisses my nose.

''That nose scrunch is my biggest weakness. A fire blast to the chest is nothing, compared to that.'' he says. His face then freezes, realizing what he said.

''Wait, no. That came out wrong. I meant-''

''I know what you meant, Pete.'' I laugh. He smiles, tightening his grip around my waist. I rest my forehead against his, feeling his hot breath on my lips.

''I'm glad you find it so adorable.'' I whisper. He then leans in, pulling my body closer to his. Our lips connect once again, as I straddle his lap. My hands, once again, tangle and slightly pull on his hair.

I let my tongue slip between his lips, slightly surprising him. But just a second later I feel his tongue press against my own. The feeling is just- oh my god.

I could literally stay like this forever. Just the 2 of us, on the couch. Peter laying down and his head resting on a pillow, as I'm straddling his lap.

His arms held tightly around my waist, as one of my hands is pulling on his hair. The fingernails of my other hand softly massaging his scalp, as our lips and tongues are pressed together.

The warmth of his body, as well as the tingling sensation of his breath, above my upper lip. Then again, nothing will beat the feeling and the taste of his tongue.

Peter's POV:

I- fell like in heaven.

As I feel her tongue slip between my lips, I'm slightly taken aback. But in a couple of seconds I kindly return the gesture, by pressing my tongue against her own.

Now one thing is for sure - nothing will beat the taste of her soft lips, as well as her mellow tongue. Nothing.

I seriously love this girl.

Wait, what?

I pull away from the kiss, realizing what I just thought of. I feel Wanda's hands on both of my cheeks, but I'm kind of in a trance.

''Pete? Is everything okay, baby?''

Yep, I love her. No doubt about it. She's the one. The one and only.

''I- yeah. Yeah, everything's fine. I just.. realized something.'' I reply, looking up at her eyes. I can see nothing but pure love in her eyes, as she's just gazing at me.

''Yeah? And what's that?'' she asks. I grin, pulling her face to mine again, just close enough for the tips of our noses to be touching.

''That's a conversation for another time.'' I whisper. She smiles, before leaning in and, for the 3rd time, connecting our lips. This time, instead of straddling me, she lays on top of me.

Her hands are still tangling and pulling on my hair, and that's a very sensational feeling. But definitely, the feeling of her soft tongue, as well as her lips, pressed against my own, is no match for anything.

As I manage to roll us over, I break the kiss. Though our faces remain just a few inches apart. I see her trying to kiss me again, but I pull a bit back. She tries again and I can't help but smile, seeing how desperate she is.

''Come on, don't leave me hanging like this.'' she pouts, talking in her small voice. Every time she uses that voice, it makes me feel guilty.

So I press a very passionate kiss to her lips, but just for a moment. Just enough for her to manage to kiss me back.

''Let's finish the movie, then we can head to bed. It's already pretty late.'' I say, giving her a small smile.

''Can we go to sleep, now?'' she asks. I nod for an answer, but she doesn't move.

''Do I have to carry you?'' I ask. She nods her head again, making me smile. I pick her up, bridal style, and walk to my room.

I love this girl. No doubt about it.


So, here's the 16th chapter, I hope you like it!

I wasn't sure about the sleeping part, but I love the couple and the story is a little more than half done, so I thought it wasn't such a bad time.

Votes and comments are appreciated!

See ya!

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