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I didn't have many ideas for this chapter, so I just went with the best idea I had. I hope it's not too crappy.



Peter's POV:

I enter my room and let out a frustrated sigh. I drop my bag to the floor, collapsing on the bed and burying my face in my hands.

I had planned it perfectly. I'd take out Wanda to a nice restaurant, then we'd go to the zoo, and after that a walk in the park.

But after all of the homework, I got today, I probably won't be able to do it today. I sigh again, forcing myself to sit up and get out of the bed.

I walk over to my desk and sit down, opening my laptop. I get my Geometry books out and open my notebook.

I write the date and the exercise number. I calculate the first part of the exercise, but my focus has already left.

I can't concentrate at all. Why is the fact that I'm not going to be able to go on a date tonight, bothering me so much?

''Fuck's sake.'' I sigh, dropping my pen. Right now only one person can help me. I stand up and leave my room.

I head towards my girlfriend's room, knocking twice. She opens the door, just before a smile covers her face. Though it quickly disappears when she sees my expression.

''What's wrong?'' she asks, stepping aside to let me in. I enter her room and she closes the door behind us, before sitting down into one of the bean bags.

I sit on the floor and lay my back against the bean bag, placing my head in her lap. She starts to run her fingers through my hair.

''What's wrong?'' she asks again.

''I have a shit ton of homework and I can't concentrate at all.'' I say, frustrated. She nods, seemingly deep in thought.

''What's distracting you?'' she asks. I guess it won't hurt to tell her.

''I wanted to take you out on a date, tonight. I still do. But with all that homework I won't be finished in time.'' I say. I look up into her eyes: ''I'm sorry.''

''Don't be, it's fine.'' she says, though I'm still skeptical. My expression must have said it all.

''It's okay, really. I can wait.'' she says with a smile. I nod, closing my eyes.

''I just wanted to ask you if you could somehow help me concentrate, using your powers?'' I ask. She places one of her hands on my cheek, stroking it with my thumb.

''I'd be happy to help. But are you really sure you trust me to mess with your mind?'' she asks.

''Wanda, I'd trust you with my life. I know you won't do anything I don't want you to.'' I say. She nods, before placing one of her hands on my forehead.

I close my eyes, feeling a warm feeling enter my mind. Does that even make sense? Eh, I guess.

It feels like a lot of my worries are just gone. Like they don't bother me anymore, at all. I open my eyes and smile up at her, after feeling her hand leave my forehead.

''Thank you.'' I say. She smiles and leans down to connect our lips in a soft kiss.


I close my notebook, drop my pen on the table, and lean back in my chair. I let out a loud groan, stretching my arms.

I stand up with my arms still stretched, also stretching my legs. I close my laptop, before placing the necessary books in my bag, for tomorrow.

I then check the time, to see it's already past 8 PM. Shit, that took me over 3 hours. Usually, I finish my homework in no more than 1.

I open the door and leave my room, heading to the kitchen. I get myself a cup of boiling water, before placing the teabag in.

I go to sit on one of the couches of the living room, stretching my whole body across it. No one else is here, for some reason.

I don't question the lack of Avengers and just close my eyes, enjoying the calm quiet. Though I soon have to get up to get my tea.

I walk to the kitchen and take out the teabag, throwing it in the trash. I take a sip of the tea, quickly pulling my lips away from the hot cup.

Shit, that's hot.

After a few minutes, I start slowly sipping the tea, sitting at the counter of the open kitchen. It doesn't take long for me to finish it and place the cup in the sink.

I make my way to Wanda's room, knocking on the door. She quickly opens it. Almost too quickly.

''Were you just waiting for me to knock on your door?'' I ask with a sheepish grin.

''Maybe.'' she scrunches her nose at me. Shit, that nose scrunch. The most adorable thing in the world, honestly.

''I want cuddles.'' she says. I smile and enter her room, closing the door behind me. We walk to her bed, as she jumps onto it, laying on her side.

I laugh and join her in the bed, wrapping my arms around her. She smiles and wraps her arms around my torso, tangling our legs together.

''Thanks for helping me concentrate. If you hadn't done that, I'd probably still be struggling with my homework.'' I say. She just simply nods in response, pulling me closer to her body.

I chuckle, as she nuzzles her face in the crook of my neck. I place a kiss on the top of her head. I then lay back my head in the pillows and close my eyes.

''Friday, please turn off the lights.'' I say. The lights turn off, and the electrical window blinds automatically close.

I place another kiss in her hair, letting my body relax completely. I guess it wouldn't hurt to go to sleep a bit earlier than usual.

''I promise.'' I whisper in her ear: ''I will take you on that date tomorrow.''

''I'll hold you to that.'' she whispers back ''I love you.''

''I love you, too.''

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