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Peter's POV:

I jump through the window into my room, double tapping my chest. I strip out of the under armor suite and grab my towel, walking to the bathroom.

I take a quick shower, before pulling on a comfy outfit. I walk to my mirror and fix my hair, before leaving the room.

I make my way to Wanda's room, knocking twice. There isn't an answer, so I knock again. Still nothing.

''Friday, where is Wanda?'' I ask, looking up at the ceiling.

''Ms. Maximoff is currently in the gym.'' the Irish accented voice replies. I nod and walk away, making my way to the gym. As I walk through the doors, I see her on the sparring mat, doing some gymnastics.

Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail, as she's wearing a black sports bra and black leggings, which show off her body greatly. She's in a pair of black socks, as her running shoes are placed next to the mat.

I decide to stay back and watch, as she positions herself for a backflip. She bends down, positioning her arms. She then brings her body back up and swings her arms, leaning backward.

She almost lands it, just falling on her knees. She sighs and stands up, rubbing her knees in pain. She walks over to her stuff, picking up her water bottle and taking a long sip.

''You need some help?'' I ask, walking towards her. She looks at me and swallows the water, placing the bottle back down.

''Hey. Yeah, would be nice. I've been at it for a bit less than an hour, now. My knees feel like they're about to break.'' she says, sitting down with a sigh.

''Alright. Rest for a moment, then I'll show you some things.'' I say. She nods, as I walk to the mat. I take a breath, positioning myself for a backflip. I jump up and swing my arms, leaning backward.

I land perfectly on my feet, before fixing my hair. Just then Wanda comes to stand next to me.

''How do you do it?'' she asks.

''Alright, get in the starting position.'' I say. She does as said, as I examine the details.

''Straighten out your arms and strain them. It'll give you more powers on the swing.'' I say. She does as, while I fix some other little things.

''Alright, let's try it. I'll keep my hand on your back so I can keep you from falling. Just in case.'' I say. She nods and gets in the starting position. She swings her arms and does the correct movement.

As she's in the air, I use my hand to hold her in the air for a slight bit longer. She lands perfectly, though lightly loses her balance. She quickly catches it and looks at me excitedly.

''It worked.'' she says with a smile. I nod and tell her to fix a few more things I noticed she does wrong. She does the flip a few more times, with my help. Though at one point I take my hand away from her back.

''Alright, now try it yourself. You can do it.'' I say, encouraging her. She nods and takes a deep breath, getting into position. She then swings her arms, perfectly doing the technique and landing on her feet.

''I did it!'' she exclaims with a smile. I smile as well, as she wraps her arms tightly around my waist. I gladly return the hug, breaking apart a few seconds later.

''This might be a good time to tell you why I came looking for you.'' I say.

''Because you missed me?'' she says with a teasing smile, making me chuckle.

''Yes, also that. But I wanted to ask you something.'' I say.

''What's that?''

''So my school is hosting a prom, for the first time in a while.'' I say, watching her sit down and take multiple long sips of water.

''I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?'' I ask. A smile makes its way on her face, as she places down her water bottle. I walk over to her, pulling out my hand.

''Definitely.'' she smiles, placing her hand in mine and letting me pull her up. Our lips connect in a kiss, as I feel her arms snake around my neck.


Wanda's POV:

''What did you say?'' Claire asks, through the FaceTime call. I was just telling her about how Peter asked me to go to prom with him. That was less than a week ago, and the prom is today.

Peter is still at school and the prom is in a few hours. I'm currently on FaceTime with Claire.

''Obviously, I said yes.'' I say. The other redhead rolls her eyes with a smile.

''Good. If you hadn't, I would've beaten your ass. Missing an opportunity like that, hell no.'' she says. I chuckle at her comment.

''I'd never reject an offer like that. I really love Peter, he's just perfect. He's polite, funny, cuddly, super cute. He's very fit, especially for his age. And he's super handsome.'' I say with a light blush.

''Ooohhh.'' she says, wiggling her eyebrows ''Maybe I should start talking to him.''

''Don't you dare!'' I say, my face turning serious in a second. When it comes to Peter, I can be very protective.

''Alright, alright. I'm just kidding.'' she says with a chuckle. I shake my head but smile. Though seriously, if she tried to make a move on him, I'd make her nightmares come to life.

 ''Alright, prom girl. You should start looking for what to wear. You want to look perfect for your man, don't you? she asks. I nod in response.

''Good. Then get off this call and do your best to impress him. Maybe you'll get some meat in return.'' she says with a smirk, causing me to blush the color of my powers.

''CLAIRE!'' I yell. She starts laughing, waving me goodbye, and turning off the call. It takes me solid 5 minutes for the blush to come off my face.

Peter and I had never had sex. Though, yeah, we're only 16 and we have been dating for less than a year. But I surely would have absolutely no problem with it.

Peter is amazing, and even though we're still young, I can tell he's the one. He's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. He's the one I want to marry and grow a family with. But we still have a lot of time. For now, I just want to enjoy our youth together.

I snap out of my thoughts and finally get out of the bed, leaving my room. I need some help from Nat if I really want to impress Peter.

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