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Peter's POV:

''You know, I can still walk by myself.'' I say as red aura is holding me in the air. Wanda shakes her head, as we all leave the quinjet.

''Yes, but you won't. You're badly injured.'' she says. I sigh, in defeat. We enter the compound, heading to the Med Bay. Steve takes Killian to a specially made prison, as Wanda sets me on a bed.

Bruce walks over to me, as my suit retracts into the ring. It reveals an under armor suit. I try to slip off the top but feel a stinging pain in my chest.

''It's melted with your skin. Your enhanced healing can't do its job until we get rid of the fabric.'' Bruce says. He pours cold water on a piece of cloth, pressing it against my chest. I groan, letting my head fall back into the pillows.

He starts to examine the wound. A few minutes pass until he sighs in defeat. Everyone looks at him, worried.

''The injury is worse than I thought. Your enhanced healing has already started to work, leaving the suit in your body. We can't wait to do a proper procedure.'' he says. I sigh, knowing where this is going. A few seconds pass until I nod.

''Fine. Just do it.'' I say. Tony, now without his Iron Man suit, grabs the collar of my shirt. I close my eyes in preparation. The next thing I know, I feel my skin get ripped off, as the shirt rips in half.

I let out a loud groan, more like a yell, of absolute pain. My back arches, as 2 pairs of hands hold me down. A wet cloth is pressed against my chest, slowly starting to take away the pain. I sigh in relief, as the hands release me.

A few minutes pass until I notice I've been gripping someone's hand this whole time. I open my eyes and look at the owner of the hand. Wanda gives me a soft smile, making me calm down. I sigh, feeling the pain almost gone.

''Not that that's done, your enhanced healing can properly do its job. The good news is, we won't need to do a procedure. Your healing will take care of it.'' Bruce says. I nod, raising my head to look at them. I get in a more comfortable position, still holding onto Wanda's hand.

''Keep the cloth onto your chest. It will help with the pain.'' Bruce says. I nod and thank him. He smiles, before leaving the room. Everyone starts to go after him, but I don't let go of Wanda's hand. She looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

''Can you please stay?'' I silently mumble, not sure if she heard it. But I know she did when she slips off her high heel boots and gets in the bed, next to me. I try to hide my blush, as she settles with her head on my shoulder.

''Thank you.'' I silently say. She smiles and gives my hand a soft squeeze. I sigh and lay my head back, a small smile playing on my lips.

One thing is for sure.

I have feelings for Wanda Maximoff.


I wake up and open my eyes. It takes me a few seconds, to take in my surroundings. I am obviously not in my room. I realize I'm in the Med Bay, because of the fight with Killian.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I acknowledge the unfamiliar weight on my shoulder. I look down, to see my favorite redhead, resting her head on my shoulder. Her eyes are closed, as her breathing is calm and steady. Her face is peaceful, as she's still gripping my hand.

I realize she has intertwined our arms, in her sleep. I smile and, without even realizing it, plant a soft kiss in her hair. A small smile appears on her lips, as she cuddles closer into my side. I feel heat rush to my cheeks.

That's when I acknowledge my clean-looking chest. I take off the cloth and set it aside, revealing my completely healed skin. I smile and let my head fall back, allowing myself to rest it against her auburn-colored hair.

I'm not able to fall asleep, so I just stare at the wall in front of me. I can't believe just how much my life has changed, in the past week. I went from a vigilante to an Avenger. An Avenger.

My thoughts are cut short, as Wanda stirs in her sleep. It's then followed by a yawn and her eyes fluttering open. She looks around, taking in her surroundings, before her eyes land on me.

''Good morning. How's your chest?'' she smiles, glancing at my now healed chest.

''It's fine. Thank you for staying with me.'' I say, mumbling the last part. She must've still heard it, though.

''It's no problem.'' she says. The next thing I know, a pair of soft lips press against my cheek before she sits up and hangs her legs off the bed. She slips her boots back on, before looking at me. I see a small blush lingering on her cheeks.

''I'll bring you some breakfast.'' she says. I nod, still shocked by the fact that she kissed me. Yeah, it was only on the cheek, but still. She leaves the room, leaving me with my thoughts. It doesn't take more than 10 minutes before she comes back with 2 plates of breakfast. She hands one to me, before sitting in a chair that's next to the bed.

''Thank you.'' I say. She smiles at me, as we eat our breakfast in silence. We both finish our breakfast pretty quick before she takes the plates and leaves Med Bay. A few minutes later, Bruce enters the room.

''Hello, Peter. How are you feeling?'' he asks, walking over to me.

''Good. The wound has healed.'' I say. He hods, writing something down.

''Unfortunately, you'll have to buy a new under armor shirt. Your other one has a hole in it.'' he says. I nod, already expecting such a thing.

''It's fine. Thank you, Bruce.'' I smile.


So, this is the 8th chapter! I hope you liked it!

I don't really know how to deal with it when clothes have melted to your skin, so a part of that scene was improvised!

Votes and comments are appreciated!

See ya!

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