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Peter's POV:

Wanda and I get out of the car, as Happy drops us off. We look at the compound, before walking towards it. We enter the compound and head to the elevator, hand in hand.

We take the elevator to the Penthouse floor, stepping out when the doors open. We're greeted by the other Avengers, as they're waiting for us.

''It's so good to be back.'' I say. They all smile at me before I'm pulled in a big hug by all of them.

''Welcome back, Peter.'' Steve says with a smile. All of them congratulate me until only Tony is left.

''Hey, Pete. I have a little welcome back gift, for you.'' he says. I look at him, wondering what the gift is.

''I want to give you this.'' he says, handing me a small, blue, velvet box. I take it from him and open it. I see a silver ring, identical to that one, except for a black spider symbol engraved on it. It's slightly bigger and more visible than on the other ring. I look up at Tony, excitedly.

''Are you serious?'' I ask, with a big smile on my face.

''Yep. I upgraded your suit. You can choose your own design, it has a lot more functions, and the most crucial part,'' he smirks ''it's made out of pure Vibranium. A new Vibranium mixture, allowing a lot more flexibility. But it works no different as the good ol' Vibranium.''

I genuinely don't know how to react, so the only logical thing is to hug him. I wrap my arms around him, pulling him into a hug ''Thanks, Tony. I really appreciate this.''

''Of course.'' the multi-billionaire smiles ''Oh, and you can keep the old one. I don't need it.''

''Seriously, thanks.'' I repeat. He smiles, ruffling my hair. I then look at the others.

''Well, I'm gonna go unpack. A movie night, later?'' I ask. They all agree, with Clint and Sam asking if they can choose the movie. They never get that chance and I'm in a good mood, so..

''Sure. Just please don't pick Lion King, again.'' I say. They nod in agreement, as I turn around and head to my room. Thanks to my enhanced hearing, I hear Nat's voice.

''You're such a dad.''

''Shut it, Romanoff.'' Tony replies. I feel a smile grow on my face while listening in.

I make it to my room and drop my bag. I lay down my suitcase, standing up and letting out a sigh. I scan my room with my eyes, placing my new suit/ring on the nightstand.

It's good to be back.


I sigh, finally closing my suitcase and sliding it under my bed, where my now empty duffel bag is placed.

I lay down on my bed and let out another sigh. Just then an idea pops into my mind. I glance at the clock.

I can make it before the movie night.

I quickly change into my under armor suit, before grabbing the new ring. I slip off the old one, placing it in the velvet box. I slip the new ring on my right ring finger. I stand in front of my body mirror, before taking a deep breath and double-tapping the engraved spider emblem on the ring.

A wave of nanoparticles covers my body. I instantly feel the unique smell of Vibranium, as the strong metal engulfs my body. I look in the mirror, to see a completely grey and black suit, with a white emblem.

''Hello, Peter. Congratulations on earning your new suit.'' I recognize the voice as Karen's.

''Hey, Karen.'' I smile ''Actually, Tony gifted it to me.''

''Alright, would you like to hear what new functions does this suit come with?'' she asks.

''How about we do that on the way. Tony mentioned something about changing the design? I don't think the civilians would like this color.'' I say. Just then a holographic console appears above my left wrist. Also, a hologram of my suit's design shows up in my lenses.


''You have complete control of the suit's design, and it has unlimited combination possibilities. Would you like to see some pre-made prototypes?''

''Sure.'' I reply. Just then I see a lot of the suit's color prototypes. I whistle in amusement, as I scroll through them.

''Damn. Tony outdid himself, again.'' I say. I spend about 5 minutes choosing the design. In the end, I choose a similar design to the Iron Spider, but with the color blue involved. So basically my 2 original suits combined into one. Except for the homemade suit.

I make my mask come off, as I look in the mirror again. Damn. The suit looks fresh, and it's extremely comfortable. It's literally perfect.

''Friday, alert the others that I'm going out on patrol. I'll be back before the movie night starts.'' I say. I then make my mask come back on, before opening my window. I crouch on the edge of it, scanning the city with my eyes.

''Karen, tell me about those new functions.'' I say, jumping out of the window.


I land through my window 3 hours later. Normally I'd go for longer, but I had to get back to the movie night. And yeah, the priority is of course the safety of New York's civilians, but I haven't spent time with the others for a long time.

I double-tap the spider emblem on my chest, making the suit turn back into the ring. I quickly hop in a shower, pulling on a comfy outfit afterward. I make my way to the living room, to see the others already sat around the room, ready to watch the movie.

''Finally!'' Clint groans. I give him a look, that immediately shuts him up.

''Yeah, yeah. Sorry.'' I say, walking to the empty spot that looks like it's meant for me. I mean, it's the only empty spot, and it's next to Wanda, so..

I sit next to her on the floor, as she immediately takes my hand in hers. I smile and press our palms together as I look up at her. She lays against my side, causing me to wrap my arm around her. We both exchange a smile, as I kiss the tip of her nose.


The last thing I want is to jinx it, but I'm still gonna say it!

My update schedule is finally repaired! :)

I've been finally starting to post daily, with a 1-day delay at the most. Which I consider acceptable.

There. If the updates disappear again, know that I jinxed it.

Obviously, I'm kidding, but I'm actually glad I was able to get back on track.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments. Love reading them btw!


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