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Peter's POV:

''So, how often you have these meetings?'' I ask Wanda, as we're walking towards the conference room.

''Once or twice a month.'' she replies. I nod, as we both enter the conference room. Everyone, except Tony, is already sitting at the table. Wanda also sits down, with me sitting next to her.

A few minutes Tony enters, sitting down at the back. A few minutes pass until someone enters, once again. I look at the entrance, to see a man in his 60's. He has dark skin and a black coat, but what catches my attention is the eye patch on his left eye. He walks to the front of the room and looks at me with a hard gaze.

''So, this is your new recruit.'' he says, in a deep voice. Everyone around me nods with serious looks on their faces. He keeps his gaze on me for a few more seconds, before pulling out a remote. He clicks a button, making a hologram of a man show up.

The man's blonde hair is neatly combed back, as an orange-ish light is coloring his chest.

''This is Aldrich Killian. Some of you are already familiar with this name.'' the man Wanda called Fury says, looking at Tony.

''Apparently, he survived the explosion 4 years ago. He's recently made an appearance, at the South of New York.'' the hologram switches to a video, showing Aldrich Killian. He's shirtless, as his chest is glowing bright orange.

The camera footage shows him raise his hands. He crouches and places his hands on the floor, making a big wave of fire escape him. The camera footage cuts off, as fire fills the room.

''He's returned 4 years later, seemingly more powerful than ever. Your mission is to either kill him or imprison him. If you choose the latter, you have to find a way to do so. This will be a great chance for our new recruit to prove himself.'' Fury says, looking at me.

I nod, as everyone quickly glances at me.

''That's settled, then. You wait until he makes an appearance. Then you engage.'' he says. Everyone nods, Fury doing the same.

''Good luck.'' he says, walking to the exit. Everyone starts to get up before Fury turns around.

''Oh, and Parker.'' he says. I look up, to meet his stare.

''Congratulations on joining the team.'' he says. I lightly smile and nod, as he leaves the room. There are a few seconds of silence before Tony punches the wall.

''That son of a bitch is still alive?!'' he asks, not expecting an answer. No one says anything, knowing it will just make it worse. There are few more seconds of silence before he angrily leaves the room.

''Well, that went well.'' Steve sighs. Everyone starts to leave, as Wanda and I are the last ones.

''Who is this Killian guy?'' I ask. She shrugs, as we head to her room. She has started to teach me how to play guitar. Apparently, she's been playing guitar since childhood. Which is nice. I'm glad she offered to teach me.

''I don't know. But it sure looks like Tony has some history with him.'' she replies. I nod, as we enter her room. She takes her guitar and sits on the bed, while I sit on the red bean bag, in the corner.


''He did what?!'' I ask, starting to laugh. I fall out of the bean bag, gripping my stomach. I keep laughing, causing Wanda to throw a pillow at me.

''He poured flour in a bucket and set it on top of the door to prank me. But the bucket fell on himself and he trashed the whole kitchen. Dad was pissed.'' she says. I can tell she's smiling.

My laughing fit comes to an end before I lay on her bed. I wipe away the tears that came from laughing and sit up, resting myself on my elbows.

''Do you miss him?'' I ask, immediately regretting it. Of course, she does, he was her brother.

''Sorry, that was a stupid question.'' I quickly say. She chuckles, laying down and placing her head on my lap.

''I do. And it's not easy to talk to adults about it, so I'm glad I have you.'' she smiles. I mirror her smile, letting myself fall back on the bed. I'm deep in thought, not realizing I've started to play with her hair.

I raise my head to look at her, to see her closed eyes. She has a small smile on her face, enjoying the feeling of my hand, running through her hair.

''I- Is this okay?'' I ask, nervously. Her smile widens and she nods, not saying anything. I nod, before laying my head back down.

I don't know, if I'm just crazy, or if I've actually started to develop feelings for her. But then again, who wouldn't? She's smart, funny, beautiful, strong. I could go on for the rest of the day.

I sigh, thinking about the possible feelings I might have for the redhead. She must've heard me sigh because she raises her head to look at me.

''Is everything okay?'' she asks.

''Yeah, yeah. Just... thinking.'' I reply, continuing to play with her hair.

''About?'' she asks, laying her head back on my lap. I grin and raise my head to look at her.

''You'll never guess.'' I say. She rolls her eyes, with a smile. She closes her eyes and places a hand on my stomach.

''Peter? Wanda? Boss wants you 2 in the meeting room. It's urgent.'' Friday's voice sounds across the room, breaking the comfortable silence.

We both sigh, not wanting to leave the position. Realizing there is no other choice, I sit up. But Wanda doesn't seem to have the same idea.

''Come on, get up. We have to go.'' I say. She grunts and shakes her head, continuing to lay with her eyes closed.

''Tony says it's urgent.'' I say. She sighs and opens her eyes, sitting up. She stands up from the bed and pulls me towards the exit.

We get to the meeting room fairly quickly. When we enter, the first thing we see is a video, that looks like security camera footage.

And in the center of the video, stands Aldrich Killian.


So, here's the 6th chapter! I hope you like it!

Votes and comments are greatly appreciated!

See ya!

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