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Sorry for the few-hour delay. I wasn't home for the day, so I didn't have access to my pc.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy! :)


Peter's POV:

I leave the school, starting to walk towards Delmar's. I soon reach the small sandwich shop, walking inside.

"Peter! Long time no see. How's the world treating ya?" Mr. Delmar asks.

"Hey, Mr. Delmar!" I reply "Yeah, I'm good. I'm good. Nothing special. How about you?"

"Same old, same old. Your usual?" he asks. I nod, grabbing 2 packs of sour gummy worms and placing them on the counter.

"Hey, Murph." I say, scratching the cat behind his ear. The cat purrs, closing its eyes.

I grab the sandwich from Mr. Delmar, before leaving the shop. I run into a nearby alley and change into my under armor suit.

I double-tap the spider emblem on my ring, making th suit form around my body. I web my bag to a wall, before making my mask cover my face.

I look up and adjust my lenses, before jumping out of the alley. I shoot a web towards a building, pulling myself to the top.

I sit down on the edge of the roof and make my mask come off. I take a bite out of the sandwich.

Damn, I haven't eaten this in a long time. Missed the flavor. After I've finished my sandwich I make my mask come back on.

I stand up, stretching my arms. Just on cue, I see multiple cop cars pass the building I'm on. I leap off the building, swinging by a trash can to throw out the plastic bag.

I follow the cop cars, to soon notice a big group of other police cars. They're all surrounding the entrance of a building, as there is a man by the entrance.

He has a woman in a choke hold, as his gun is pressed to her temple. I land on the building, watching him from above.

''Sir, we are ready to meet your conditions. Just let her go.'' a cop speaks through a megaphone.

''I want Spider-Man!'' he yells back. I smirk under my mask, making a plan in my head. I shoot a web to the side of the building I'm on, and hang upside down.

As I lower myself towards the ground, multiple cops and civilians notice me. I put my finger to where my lips are under the mask, signaling them to be quiet.

''Sir, we're going to get you Spider-Man. Just wait a few minutes, we're trying to contact him.'' the officer says, giving me a light nod.

I lower down right behind the criminal, planting my feet on the ground and letting the web go. I cross my arms, getting into a stylish position.

''Hey, bud.'' I say. He spins around to face me, still holding the woman at gunpoint. I see tears running down the woman's cheeks, as her makeup is smeared across her face.

Before the criminal can act, I punch him across the face. As a result he lets the woman go, backing up and gripping his nose.

''You broke my fucking nose!'' he yells, as blood is pouring from it.

''Oops.'' I shrug. I thwip a web to cover his mouth, before webbing his arms to his body. I also web his feet together, before pushing him towards and webbing him to a police car.

''Are you alright, ma'am? I ask. The victim nods, holding onto my arms with a deadly grip. I take her to the police, as they thank me. I nod and jump off, swinging away from the scene.

On my way, I notice a flower shop. An idea enters my mind, as I start to swing lower. I swing right past the flower collection that's outside the shop. I take a bouquet of scarlet red roses, leaving a 20 dollar bill in the place.

I swing back to the alley I left my backpack in and change back into my regular clothes. I leave the alley with the bag on my back and the boquet of roses in my hands.

All I know is that roses simbolize everlasting love. I love Wanda, so I think this might be the best way to try and make up to her. And I chose red, because that's her favorite color, and it suits her.

I make my way to the subway station, sitting down to wait for the next train. I wait no longer than 5 minutes until it stops in the station. I make my way inside, taking a seat at the end of the car.

Thank god there aren't many people, I wouldn't want the roses to get squished or something.


I leave the elevator, walking to my room. I just drop my bag inside, not even bothering to close the door after I leave. I head toward's Wanda's room with the buquet of roses in my hands.

I make my way to her room, stopping in front of it for a few seconds. I take a deep breath and fix my hair, before knocking twice.

A few seconds pass, as I can hear shuffling from inside the room. When she finally opens the door, it's just a little. I see her olive green eyes staring right back at me.

''I came to apologize.'' I say, letting out a sigh. She doesn't say anything, so I continue.

''I'm sorry for what I said, yesterday. I didn't mean it.'' I say, meaning every word right now ''I love you, could you please forgive me?''

She doesn't say anything, as her eyes travel down to the roses in my hands. She then looks back up, before taking the roses out of my hands. She walks back in her room to put them in vase, before coming back to the door.

''I forgive you. C'mon, I want to hear all about your day.'' She takes my hands in hers, leading me inside the room. I smile, closing the door behind us and walking to her bed.

''I saw the hostage situation on the news. THe guy looked like an amateur.'' she says, laying down on the bed. I also lay down and place my head on her stomach. She starts to run her hand through my hair.

''He was. All it took was a single punch and a couple of webs.'' I reply. She nods, continuing to stroke my hair with her hand. Amazing feeling, genuienly.

''How was school?'' she asks. I tell her about everything that happened today. Which isn't much, actually.

''Are you gonna tell me his name?'' she asks, making me sigh. I was hoping she would drop it, but I guess not.

''Do you promise not to kill him?'' I ask. She stays silent, so I look up at her ''Please?''


''Flash Thompson. Well, Eugene, actually.'' I say. She just nods, staring into my eyes. I notice and smile, getting up to lay on top of her.

''I love you.''

''I love you, too.'' she smiles. I them lean down, pressing my lips to hers for a passionate kiss.

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