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Peter's POV:

I'm watching the TV in the living room, as I hear a knock on the door. I pause the movie and stand up, walking to the door. I pull it open, revealing Tony, Steve, Natasha, Clint, Sam, and Wanda.

''Hey, guys.'' I smile, stepping aside to let them in. They all greet me, entering the apartment. They sit around the kitchen table, as I walk over to them.

''What's up?'' I ask. Their wide grins are telling me that something good has happened.

''We have good news.'' Tony says.

''That much I figured, by your grins. What's the news?'' I ask. They all share a look, before looking back at me.

''Fury's agreed to give you a second chance.'' he says. A smile makes its way onto my face.

''Really?'' I ask, excitedly. They nod, before pulling me into a group hug.

''Welcome back to the Avengers, kid.'' Steve says. I can't help but grin, squirming out of the hug.

''Where're the others?'' I ask.

''They stayed at the compound to finish some work. Nothing I care about.'' Tony says. I roll my eyes at his comment.

''What a surprise. What do you care about?'' I ask.

''A lot of things.'' he says, with a smirk. I roll my eyes, again.

''Do you guys want anything to eat?'' I ask. They're about to answer when my phone starts ringing. I look at the Caller ID and furrow my eyebrows at the unknown number.

''Give me a sec.'' I say. I grab my phone and accept the call, walking further away. I'm probably still in earshot, though.

''Yes?'' I ask, pressing the phone to my ear.

''Is this Peter Parker?'' a man's voice sounds from the phone.

''Yes.'' I say, not knowing what this is about.

''I regret to inform you that May Parker has been in a car accident. She's currently in the Ashford Hospital.'' I feel my heart drop at those words.

''W-what?'' I stutter, my voice slightly breaking.

Wanda's POV:

Peter takes a few steps away from us but remains in earshot. He accepts the call and presses the phone against his ear.


''Yes.'' he repeats, this time forming it as an answer. There are a few seconds of silence before the color leaves his face. I immediately know that something's wrong.


''What happened?'' he asks, his voice cracking. There are a few more seconds of silence before he slips the phone back into his pocket.

''Pete? What happened?'' I ask, rising from my seat. He doesn't look at anyone, instead dashing to a window. He quickly opens it, before jumping out. His Spider-Man suit covers his body, as he starts to swing away, leaving us all in confusion.

''Friday, where is he heading?'' Tony asks. I look at him, to see that he's now wearing a pair of fancy glasses.

''Spider-Man's currently heading West. He seems to be in a hurry.'' the usual Irish voice sounds from the glasses.

''Do you know where he's going?'' he asks. After a few seconds of silence, Friday replies.

''This is the phone call Mr. Parker just had.'' Friday says, before playing an audio file. We listen to the conversation, immediately realizing where Peter is heading.

''We should follow him.'' Natasha suggests. No one says another word, as everyone hurries to the exit of the apartment. I notice a pair of keys on the counter and grab them on my way out. I lock the apartment, slipping the keys into my pocket.

We hurry down the stairs and to Tony's car, starting to head towards the hospital. I really hope that May is okay. She's a good woman. And Peter has lost enough people in his life. He doesn't need to lose his last living relative.


As we arrive at the hospital, we ask the receptionist about May. She tells us the room number before we all hurry to the elevator. We take it to the 3rd floor, as there is an anxious atmosphere in the air.

When the elevator doors open, we immediately see Peter. He's sitting in a chair, his elbows resting on his knees. His head is in his hands, as his knee is bouncing up and down. He looks up, noticing us.

His cheeks are covered with tears, as his eyes are red. We all hurry over to him, as he stands up. I immediately pull him in a tight hug. I feel the shoulder of my shirt getting wet from his tears, but I couldn't care less.

He wraps his arms tightly around my waist, accepting the hug. It lasts for a few seconds before he pulls away. He looks at us, tears glistening in his eyes.

''May's been in an accident. They're not letting me see her.'' he chokes. He sits back down, as we follow his actions. Everyone is anxiously looking at him, feeling bad for him. He falls back to his previous position, his knee continuing to bounce.

I gently rub his back, sharing a worried look with the others. I continue to rub his back with one hand, as my other hand goes to grab his. He grips my hand, as I intertwine our fingers. We just sit there in silence, as quiet sobs escape his lips every few seconds.

We stay like that for 10, maybe 20 minutes. Peter has slightly calmed down, as he's still sitting in the same spot. The others have also stayed here, gaining surprised looks from bypassers. No one can bring themselves to care, though, since Peter is in clear distress.

He hasn't let go of my hand for the whole time, as he's just sitting there. He's looking straight at the opposite wall, as his knee is still bouncing. I place my hand on it, trying to calm him down. He looks at me and sighs, leaning down and laying his head on my chair's armrest.

I pull his head to my chest, starting to run my hand through his soft curls. A few quiet sniffles are still heard from him, now and then, but I really don't mind. I'm glad he feels comfortable enough with us, to let himself cry. And I don't mind it.

''Peter Parker?'' a doctor comes up to us. Peter immediately stands up, wiping away his tears. He doesn't let go of my hand, though.

''That's me.'' he says, his voice dry. The man gives him a sympathetic look.

''May Parker's surgery is done, she's resting. You can go see her.'' the doctor says. Peter thanks him, as the doctor smiles and walks away. Peter then looks at us.

''We'll let you go see her.'' Tony smiles. Peter nods, before bringing my hand to his lips and pressing a kiss to my knuckles. He then lets go of my hand, walking away.


So, here's the 14th chapter! I hope you like it!

I wasn't sure if this was a good note to leave the chapter on, but it will do.

Votes and comments are appreciated!

See ya!

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